05 | five

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"hey luce," peter picked up the phone and tucked it between his shoulder and ear, as he was busy repairing his suit. "what's up?"

"i was wondering," she began, "how did you say you got that internship for tony stark?"

peter was audibly flustered. "i - it's like i told you, i a-applied for it," he said.

"yeah, but i was looking for a job in the summer, you know, something that'll keep me out of trouble." 

"i don't think they're looking for interns right now," he replied, beginning to speak faster. "and besides, i don't think you'd...excel there."

"what?" lucy sounded offended - which she was. "why would i be unfit to work under the authority of tony stark? what makes you better than me?"

"it's not that you're unfit or anything," peter rushed, "it's just...it's very time-consuming, yeah, you'd constantly be working, and it's a lot of hard work - "

"are you saying i'm not hardworking?" lucy interrupted.

"no, no, of course not, i'm sure you're very hardworking, lucy," peter tried to cover his mistake.

"yeah, yeah, whatever." lucy rolled her eyes. "i was just wondering how you got involved with him in the first place. i mean, what does a billionaire want with a fifteen-year-old kid? no offense."

peter shot back, "i'm fifteen and a half, lucy."

"just answer the question, pete."

"i don't know, it's...it's complicated. and an incredibly long story." peter paused. "one that you probably won't believe."

lucy leaned back in her chair. "i've got awhile. and i'll have you know that i've developed a pretty wild imagination over the years. whatever it is, i'll probably believe you."

it took a few seconds for peter to reply. "maybe some other time i'll tell you, luce. when we know each other better. just not today."

"that'll take a lot of phone calls to get to that level," she reminded him. 

she was sure he was smiling when he replied, "well, i can't wait for those phone calls, then."

letting out a small chuckle, lucy said, "alright, i guess i should go to bed. it's a school night, you know, peter."

his voice was soft and tired as he replied, "yeah, i know. goodnight, lucy."

"goodnight, peter."

stranger ; 𝐩. 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now