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Unfortunately, I was met with a worse fate as I could feel sparks throughout my entire body instead. Praying, I opened my eyes, much rather hoping to be dead than in the arms of the brown-eyed man looking down on me with a frown.


Jumping, I rushed to get out of his arms, my mind spinning with endless possibilities of how this could have gone better.

Maybe I could have hit my head on the edge of a stair and bled out?

I could end up in an endless coma?

I could have broken every limb in my body, ending up with a severly cut arterie, ending in death?

All possibilities almost unpossible.

Damn, those stupid werewolf genes.

"Your welcome" Kent grumbled as he began to continue up the stairs, managing to keep out of the two youngsters' -currently running down the stairs- way.

"Are you okay?" The blonde said as he tried to take a hold of my shoulders. Straining my eyes, I noticed his were red and almost blurry as he sniffled. His hand brushed against my shoulders, but instead of steadying me and checking me for bruises, he managed to push me further down the steps.

Tumbling down the last 7 steps, I finally landed on the wooden-floor, my head between my legs, butt in the air. With heated cheeks, I tried to gather myself up, noticing how my shoulder and hip had fallen out of its' sockets. I heard the sigh from the top of the stairs, and without looking, I could see Kent shaking his head in dissapointment.

"Jack! You idiot! I've told you not to touch anyone when you're shitfaced!" The redhead ran down the stairs, his messy hair flopping everywhere as he tried to come to my poor rescue.

"I'm fine. Fine!" I tried to brush the redhead away, doing my best to pop my shoulder back in. 

"What the hell is going on in here?" Christian asked angrily, his voice so loud I was sure he would bring the entire pack to watch.
Janine was following his footsteps, her hands fumbling with two of her buttons before readjusting her ponytail. Her eyes landed on me and she gasped loudly, her hand instantly going up to cover her mouth before she finally rushed to my aid.

"What happened?" She asked worried, her hand running over my displaced hip. No matter how smooth her hand was, it hurt, making me growl at her. Her hands shot up in the air instantly, her eyebrows raised as she stared at me in shock.

"She fe-"

"These buggars shoved me down the shitty stairs" I said, groaning as I reached for the wooden-stick that was etched into my right thigh.

"Watch your language" Christian spoke as he stared at the boys.

Snorting, I answer him, "says the guy who just said 'hell'." I tried to drag the stick out, trying desperately to find a place in front of me to watch. My eyes finally locked on the spot on the railing where there was a wooden-stick missing. I realised how hard I had fallen.


"Take that discussion another time" Janine shot in, her voice so steady and calm, still, filled with authority. She had become a true Luna since the last time I saw her.

"I swear, Alpha" the redhead spoke, his head bowed in order to show submission, his neck slightly bent. "We were only trying to redecorate Jack's room, we placed the table on the top of the stairs whilst we were looking for gloves. When we came back, Kent was helping her up".

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