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"Hey, hey" Magnus yelled, feet stepping down the stairs. He walked towards us, sitting himself onto the armrest of the chair I was in, wrapping an arm around me before pulling me into him. "Are you ready for our date?"

After our disagreement yesterday, we agreed to take it up sometime later. He told me last night, how he felt like I had been avoiding him, something that had almost broken my heart. I didn't want to hurt him, my best friend, so I agreed to go on a date with him again.

"Going out?" Kent's words were tense, and his sentences short as always. Scrutinizing him, I noticed his stiff posture, looking as if his muscles were strained from too much training.

I nodded a reply, feeling Magnus' arms tighter around me, making me feel uncomfortable. It almost felt as if he was trying to mark his territory and was trying to get a reaction out of Kent in one swipe.

Magnus stood up, turning towards me as he spoke, "Come on". He waved me over, already having car-keys in hand out the hallway.

Sighing, I nod again, bidding goodbye to Kent as I began to follow Magnus. I stopped by a mirror in the hallway, examining my outfit. Magnus had said not to wear anything too fancy, hence my black tights, and the warm, oversized, blue, turtleneck sweatshirt. It was a pretty one, therefore having almost never been used.

Magnus had disappeared, but soon turned the corner, his head peaking around it. Smiling, he opened his mouth, taking his time before speaking, "You look beautiful".

I blushed, muttering a 'thank you' and then following him out the door. The car stood ready outside, but before we began walking towards it, he stopped me, hands reaching for something in the pocket of his jeans.

"I'm going to have to ask you to wear this" his hand brought out a dark, long piece of cloth, probably a scarf, holding it out to show me.

"You're blind-folding me?" I asked incredulously, not believing my own eyes.

"Ja" the Swedish word came through making me smile as we both laughed at the situation.

"Okay" I laugh, turning around as his hands move to tie the scarf behind my head.

"Can you see anything?" I shake my head, replying to his question. The situation I was in felt strangely interesting, exciting.

A hand took hold of mine and began to drag me a certain way. I had no choice but to follow, trying my best to keep myself steady on my feet.


The drive wasn't long, Magnus parked the car on a public car-park, saying we would have to walk to our destination. He kept describing the places we were walking through, hands steadying me.

"Aaaaand, we're here" Magnus' hand pulled at the knot at the back of my head, releasing the scarf and letting it fall of. My eyes fluttered open, irritated by the harsh light they were met with. Squinting, I look around me, recognising the park I had been to many times as a child. My heart fluttered at the thought of Magnus remembering how I had spoken about the place before.

"Magnus this is amazing!" I squealed as I saw him carry a bag with contents, immediately believing that we were to have a picnic. "You're amazing" I kissed him softly, a happy smile displayed on both of our faces as he began to lay out a blanket for us to sit on. 

Smiling, I sit down next to him, taking in the fresh air with a sigh. The air smelled like wood and flowers, more exact, peonies, my favourite flowers.

Magnus was packing out a lunch, plates already placed between us, sandwiches already on them, his hands now dealing with a set of glasses.

"I brought your favourite" he smiled as he poured wine into the glasses, "both wine and sandwich, I even have chocolate-covered strawberries".

I giggled in reply, loving how proud of himself he sounded. "Why, thank you"  I said, raising my newly-poured glass of wine to my lips, sipping it lightly.

"You are most welcome" he laughed, toasting before doing the same as I had only seconds earlier.


Author's Note: 

Hey Guys! I know I haven't updated for a while, but I've been completely swamped with preperations for finals these past few weeks so I really haven't had the time to write anything, hence the short chapter.

I hope you liked the chapter, and have had an amazing week. :)

Love, E

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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