Stuck In Between Two Best Friends - Sequel to S.I.A.C.W.H. -

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I don't know if this is going to be the title!


Stuck In Between Two Best Friends. Sequel to S.I.A.C.W.H.  


I unlocked the front door and walked in. "Mother, I'm home!" I yelled. I heard laughing in the dining room. I slowly walked towards it. There were no cars outside, so who could be here? I can hear another voice. I was at the doorway now and my eyes landed on a guy. The same guy I bumped into yesterday. "Mom, who's this?" I asked. Jee, Saph, that was a stupid question. You met him yesterday! "You mean you don't remember him?" My mom said looking astonished. I shook my head.  

"Sweetie, Sapphire, this is Jayden. Jayden from your and Matthew's childhood," My mom smiled. Jayden? Jayden is back. "Hey Tinker Bell," Jayden smiled.  

Chapter One.  

I stood there, unsure what to do. I wanted this to be a dream. He looks different but it was Jayden for sure. He has that white scar on his collarbone. When I bumped into him yesterday, he just looked familiar but I would never have guessed it was Jayden from my childhood life, I didn't even notice the scar till today. There could be other guys named Jayden in this city where I live in.  

It was just a shock seeing him sitting on my couch. He was here, in the same room as me. My fingers trembled a bit. He didn't even say goodbye to me but he said it to Matthew. I remember it clearly when Jayden left.  


It was summer, the summer before we enter high school but it was a cloudy day. "Mom, I'm going to Matthew's house!" I yelled as I ran out of the door. I walked over to Matthew's house, which was next door to mine. I knocked on the door and Mrs. Hyder, Sara, answered it. "Matthew is in his room," Sara said solemnly. I looked at her, confused. Why was she sad? I dismissed it and walked up to Matthew's room. He was lying on his back on the bed. "Hey Matthew! Where's Jayden?" I asked as I plopped on his chair.  

He sat up and stared at me for a while. "Something wrong?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "Jayden left," Matthew said in a lifeless tone. "Oh, well, maybe he had chores. We can go out tomorrow."  

"Sapphire, I meant, Jayden left for good," Matthew said looking at me intently. "What do you mean for good?" My voice quivered for a bit. "He left. He's moving!" Matthew said in outburst. "H...he wouldn't...leave without saying goodbye to me," I said trying to make sound untrue. "Well, Sapphire, it is. He left. He said goodbye to me," Matthew said harshly. I gulped and held the tears in.  

I got up abruptly and dashed down the stairs. "Sapphire!" Matthew's voice yelled from his window. I didn't listen, I just ran down the street. Jayden's house was 3 blocks away. I wasn't very athletic but I kept running as fast as I could. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I fell at least once on the sidewalk from getting my foot stuck in a crack.  

My knee was bloody and it was pouring but that didn't stop me. I was getting closer to his house. I saw the car and moving truck driving down the other direction. "Jayden!" I screamed while running. "Jayden!" I screamed louder. I caught up with the moving truck. It was going 10 mph in the neighborhood. "Jayden," I yelled again. Finally, I saw him looking back. The car went down the hill before I could see him any longer. I stood there, unable to move.  

I lost my best friend. It was like losing part of me or like someone died that you cared and loved about. I know Matthew came and comforted me. He took me back home before I could get really sick. I tried pushing Matthew away.  

He told me sorry countless of times. I don't remember if I forgave him or not.  

**End Of Flashback**  

"Sapphire. Are you alright?" My mom asked getting off of the couch. "Sorry, it's just too much to take in," I said running upstairs. I took out my cell phone and speed dialed Matthew's number. "Hey Sapphire," Matthew's voice came from the other line. "He's back," I said quickly. "Wait... Sapphire, whose back?" Matthew asked concerned. "J...Jayden," I stuttered. I heard nothing after that. "Matthew?" There was silence. I hung up and went back downstairs.  

"Sapphire, are you going to be okay?" My mom came up to me and whispered. I nodded my head. "Okay. I got invited to have dinner with the Hyder family. So, you and Jayden can catch up on things," she said. Wait, what? She's leaving me alone with Jayden! No! I don't want to be alone with him! He didn't say goodbye to me! I don't want to talk to that jerk face! "All right mom, bye," I said calmly.  

Why did Jayden have to come back? My life was just perfect until you showed up. Well, I guess I shouldn't stay mad at him forever and maybe things will go back the way they were, us three, Jayden, Matthew, and me. But Matthew and I will still be together of course.

My mom closed the front door after she left. I turned around and looked at Jayden, who was watching me. Damn, where's a murderer when you need one?  

Can't I just ditch him?  

Why would you do that? It's your own house, dummy.  

Nobody asked you.  

Then whom were you asking?  

I rolled my eyes mentally. Stupid conscious! "Hi," I said shyly as I sat as far away from Jayden as possible. "I can't blame you for hating me without an explanation for leaving so quickly," he blurted. I didn't say anything. "I left because my grandma was dying from cancer," Jayden said looking down at his hands. My eyes met up with his. "What kind of cancer?" I asked curiously. "Liver cancer," he said. "She past away a few moments after we saw her," he continued. I scooted over to him closer. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. My parents didn't want to move back. They were trying to deal with the loss and became busy."

"Jayden, I... if I knew that was the reason, I wouldn't have held a grudge on you for so long," I admitted, laughing quietly to myself. "Hey, I don't blame you and I forgive you," Jayden put a hand on my back. "Thanks. So, where are you staying? Or did you move here for good?" I asked excitedly. "My parents aren't for sure if we're moving here for good but we are staying at the Hyder's house," he said smiling. "That's good! You and Matthew can catch up on things!"  

The door opened and we looked up. "Matthew!" I got up and pecked him on the lips. "I see you guys caught up on things," he said. There was something in his voice but I couldn't really detect it. "Jayden," Matthew said. "Hey Matthew. Haven't seen you for a long time!" Jayden got up and held out his hand. Matthew looked at it but shook it. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me to sit on his lap.

"So, your plans with the guys got cancelled?" I asked. "Yeah, we decided to reschedule things," Matthew said and rested his chin on my shoulder. I could feel Jayden's eyes on us. "So, you two are going out?" Jayden asked. "Yes we are. Just me and this pain in my ass," I smiled. "Hey!" Matthew pouted. I raised my eyebrow at him. "You know it. I know it. Your parents know it. Everyone knows it," I said.  

"Well, you're my stubborn cupcake," Matthew said grinning. "Yes, now let go of me, please," I squirmed. "Nope. I like it like this," Matthew smirked. "Fine, then you won't get any kiss this week," I smiled evilly at him. "A week?! That's too long to wait," he complained. "I know. Now let me go or no kisses for you."  

"Fine, you win," he said as his arms released me. "Don't I always?" I asked as I got off of him. I walked into the kitchen and drank a glass of water. "Sapphire," Matthew whispered in my ear as his arms wrapped around my waist. "Want to sleepover at my house?" he rubbed his nose along the nape of my neck. "I guess," I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Great," he pecked my lips.


Okay. sorry if it took awhile posting!  

I don't know if this is the title or not!  

If you have a better one, tell me!  

Comment and Vote, please!

Love, Sam

Stuck In Between Two Best Friends *Sequel To S.I.A.C.W.H*Where stories live. Discover now