Chapter 3 - The Recap

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A day after we are reaped and get on the train, Clove, the rest of the team and I sit down to watch the recaps of the Reaping for the other Districts.

Seeing my competition just makes me laugh. There is nothing but little scared kids on every team. A scrawny kid in District 3 whose neck I can snap in a minute. There's a sly looking girl with red hair from District 5, and she might be harder to catch because she looks sneaky. The list goes on and on, but there is one kid that could be competition. The huge boy from District 11. He's stocky, tall, and built. That doesn't mean that I can't take him down necessarily, it just means I may have to work a little harder for him.

I can take anyone down because I'm a fighter. I always have been one and always will be one. Part of me thinks that fighting is in my blood given how naturally it comes to me. The Hunger Games should be a piece of cake, and with the Careers by my side, Districts 1, 2, and 4, we will have the easier competition out of the way quickly. Historically, all the Careers have to do is look at other Tributes and they're tremoring. After we kill everyone off, all I have to do is kill the rest of the Careers and I'm done. I win the Games. Easy as that.

My father will be proud.

Anyway, the guy from 11 has a puny little girl in his District that seems so easy to get that I don't even have to think about her. She seems like a swift target, so I am sure someone else will take care of that for us. The girl stands small next to her District partner, but she doesn't look scared. If anything, it seems she's taking quiet, mental notes of everything happening around her.

Like I said, the Tribute pool for this year was boring, but when the video cuts to District 12, I am standing at full attention. The girl catches my eye almost immediately. She's the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her cheeks are the rosiest pink, she has huge, bright blue eyes, small heart-shaped lips, and long strawberry blond hair. She barely looks up to the cameras, keeping her eyes trained on the ground. She looks nervous as she fumbles discreetly with her hands. There's no way a girl who refused a volunteer could still be so shy. There's more to her, so much more, and I need to know it all. The thought marvels me.

She's mine.

Clove snorts when the camera pulls in close, and you finally get a good, full look at her. The screen reads 'Primrose Everdeen'. Her name is a prayer. "Ha," Clove laughs, "this is going to be a piece of cake. I'm going to get that girl, Cato, and I'm gonna make sure I have fun with her," Clove says way too loudly.

I raise my eyebrows and frown at her. No doubt she is jealous of the girl. Clove is the type, and that jealousy and rage mixed into the Hunger Games is nothing short of disaster. Clove wants what I have already silently owned. Once I claim something, there is no one that can get in the way of me getting what I want.

"No! She is mine!" I hiss at her, already annoyed of her presence. It's only been a day, and Clove was really starting to irk me. She never knew when to shut her mouth, and she never stops staring at me. Everyone knows that Clove has had a crush on me for years now, but her personality makes it hard for even me to considering laying her down. You can get through it just by her face, but then she starts talking, and I'm soft as clay.

Clove scoffs and smacks her teeth at me. "Geez, sorry there. I see someone has a special liking towards the pipsqueak," Clove laughs.

"Shut up, Clove." I warn her. There she goes with that mouth. I swear, nothing good comes out of that shit.

She scoffs at me again. And her attitude... "I can say whatever I want when I want. And what I want is to kill that girl!"

"Clove, shut your fucking mouth. This is the last time that I'm going to warn you."

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