Chapter 37 - Secrets

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My lips were so swollen and tired. When Cato said he wanted to make out, he really meant it. I could taste the chocolate chip and strawberries on his tongue. Every five minutes or so, we would come up for air and I would think we were done with the session, but then Cato would lean in and we would be right back at it. We were still seated at the kitchen island with the empty dishes scattered all around us, but I just didn't want to get up from Cato's lap. We were much too comfortable.

I wanted us to enjoy what little bit of happiness we had before tonight, when the secret will be revealed. It wasn't doing us any good to be angry at one another when we both know that tonight isn't going to be a good one.

"So, what are we supposed to do here?" I asked Cato after I had finally convinced him to let our lips rest.

His eyebrows raised and he plastered that cute little smirk on his lips. "I have ideas," he answered, licking his lips slowly.

I couldn't help but blush. Memories of.. that night flooded through my mind. And even of last night, seeing him for the first time.. I, wow. "I.. uh---"

Cato laughed and lifted me, carrying me in his arms to the couch. "I'm just messing around with you," he chuckled. "Unless, of course, I was being serious."

I shook my head, avoiding eye-contact with him. "I hope you were joking."

"You never know." Cato sat down next to me on the couch and picked up a remote, turning the tv on. "I thought we could just relax," he said after a while.

I smiled. I really wanted to relax. We hadn't had time to relax since... well, we've never had time to relax. "That sounds so amazing. We never get to rest."

He turns the tv to a film. It looked like an old one. It was about a man whose wife loses memory of him after getting into a car accident. A romance story.. go figure.

"What are we doing tonight?" I ask after we had been silent for some time.

"It's a dinner with some Victor's. Snow said he wanted us to get familiar since we're going to be working closely with them."

"Oh," I nod. "Is it formal?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do I have to wear a dress?"

Cato frowns. "I don't think so.. though I'm not entirely sure. If that's the case, then I have to wear a fucking suit." He stops speaking and smirks. "If it were up to me, you'd be naked."

"Cato!" I squeak, hitting him on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I had to!" he laughs. "You get so embarrassed for no reason. You were so beautiful at my mercy," he says, his voice getting lower.

"Stop," I groan, covering my face.

I moved my hands to see Cato staring at the tv while biting his lip. "I mean it."

"I know." Of course I knew he meant it. He always meant stuff like that.

I wonder how far he's gone with other people, like Molly? I know it's safe to assume that they've done some.. things that I didn't want to go into detail about. He's probably done things with her that he wouldn't do with me..

I don't think I should be thinking about her, or anything like that. I'm supposed to be enjoying my relaxation period with Cato before we're into the cages of the Capitol. But it's hard to forget. I don't even want to ask how many girls Cato has had because I know that the answer is going to break my heart.

Sometimes I wish that I was Cato's first everything like he is to me. I want us to not have to worry about anything but experiencing one another. Majority of our worries come from him and his past life. Imagine if that was all gone, if we were able to have peace.

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