Chapter 4 - The Capitol #1

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We were eating lunch when we arrived at the Capitol. Effie gasped excitedly as we were approached. Peeta and I immediately ran to the window in the dining hall to get a look. I had to stand on my tip toes to see.

This city is something like I've never seen before. I mean, I've seen it on the small television we have at home when Katniss, my mom, and I are watching the required announcements they show, but seeing it all in person places a much different perspective of it in my mind. It's hard to try and explain just how big it all is. All of the buildings are weirdly shaped, and I do mean all of them. Some were shaped into stars, arcs, and some into shapes that I can't even imagine trying to explain. 

Surrounding every inch of the safe space around the train tracks, there were Capitol people with way too much makeup and flashy clothes that were yelling and waving at our train, cheering us on, I guess. I was really confused, but when I looked over at Peeta he was smiling and waving.

He catches me watching and shrugs his shoulders. "They might be sponsors," he says.

Wow, maybe he's right! These people can help me survive. And so I start waving back at them. I smile and try and seem nice and sweet so that I would appeal to them. And they celebrate and get even louder. They blow kisses and throw flowers at the windows. I pretend to catch them and I blow back kisses to them, and the crowd goes wild. They seem to like when we respond to them.

Hmm, maybe that'll help.

After we pass through the crowds of Capitol people, we make a stop under a tunnel, and it's really dark. I feel Effie's hand surround my wrist as she pulls me through the darkness. I hear a huge slam and I guess it's a door, but I can't really tell. I almost want to be afraid, but considering Effie's confidence as she leads us through the abyss, I don't think there's much to be afraid of. 

"Where are we going, Effie?" I ask.

"Your corridors! Now you are going to love them!" 

"That is if we are ever able to even see them," I hear Peeta say. I think he's on my left. 

I giggle a little and then I hear him burst out a huge laugh. It's quiet for a moment before he says "A little laugh considering the situation we're in is good." It makes me smile, but of course, he can't see it. 

We finally find a light, and it's in a small, comfortable room that has two doors. Effie pushes a button, and the doors slide open. We step inside, and Effie pushes the number twelve and the section jolts and then moves up.

"What is this?" I ask.

"It's called an elevator. It's an alternative to stairs. Of course you wouldn't know, dear! Your district is so poor!" I furrow my brows at her comment.

But I do know what this is, even though I didn't know what it was called. One of these things is what my father was in right before he died. He was going down into the mines when the explosion happened.

"So, go ahead and get changed in your rooms. Take showers, and meet us in the dining hall for dinner and we will discuss some things. Alright?"

"Yes," Peeta and I say in unison.

Effie nods, but none of us moves. "Well shoo!" Effie shoos us away with her arms, and we are more than happy to leave. 

I walk into my room and immediately go for the shower. I didn't get enough of these resources at home, so I may as well take advantage of it before I'm dead.

I shower, change my clothes and walk out of the room down the hall into the dining hall.

Tonight they're serving a pig with a weed orange sauce on it with flower shaped pineapples. I look closer at the flower shapes and notice that they are shaped into a primrose flower, just like my name.

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