Feeling Weird

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After Work and School
I was completely exhausted from work and school. I wanted to go home, take a shower, and sleep.

Like always.

But I knew that wasn't gonna happen cause I was eager to go and look in to my file. I unlocked the front door and saw Darnell and Dre sitting on the couch playing 2k.

"Hey guys shouldn't y'all be at the trap?" I asked.

"Ricky decided to go today since he wasn't babysitting you." Dre said.

I rolled my eyes at that word. "Where's my file? I wanna read it." I said.

"Ricky took it cause he knew you would want to look in it. When Ricky comes home then he'll give it to you." Darnell said.

Both of their eyes were completely glue to the TV and they did not take their eyes off.

I let out a sigh and walked upstairs. I went in my bathroom and looked for shampoo cause I wanted to wash my hair.

Of course I had none.

I walked over to Ricky's room and his familiar scent hit my nose. I looked on his dresser and saw some jewelry, money, weed, and a gun.

Typical Ricky.

I went in his bathroom and looked for shampoo which he had. Being that I was already in there and I knew Ricky wasn't coming home till late I took a shower in his bathroom.

I washed myself and washed my hair. Then I stepped out the shower completely dripping wet from head to toe.

I got dressed in his bathroom so I wouldn't have to run to mine and when I was done I left his bathroom the way he left it before.

I walked around his room only because I wanted to stay awake so I could look in my file. I looked at his shoe collection of all the Jordan's he ever bought.

Size 10 1/2

I turned on his TV and made myself comfortable in his bed.

Definitely gonna take advantage of his room since he's not here.

While I was laying down I noticed his pillow felt harder than a normal pillow so I tried to fluff it. While I was doing so I felt and heard the crumble of paper.

I put my hand in his pillow and pulled out a black envelope. Curiosity hit me and something was telling me to open up the envelope.

But another part of me said to leave it alone...oh well.

I quickly opened it and was greeted by a letter with red ink.

All we ask of you is to take good care of her and raise her properly. Her name is Anaya but her last name will remain unknown and can be given to her but one of you. Please do not give her away to another family because it will only bring that family pain. Follow the directions and you will be rewarded $500 every month.

                                                         Thank You,
                                                         Birth Mom


I jumped when I herd some one call my name. I looked up and saw Ricky staring at me.

"What are you doing snooping through my stuff?" He asked walking over to me.

"I was...I took a shower and then I wanted to wash my hair, but I had no shampoo, and you did, then I decided to lay down, and then I found this, and now we are in this situation." I said quickly.

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