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So that's Mason

I know I should probably stop pooping out chapters like I have the runs but when an idea come to my head I have to follow through till I'm happy with the outcome. So chapter 2 buttercups
Anna's pov

I hated him.

If he was on fire and I had the only cup of water around for miles.
I'd drink it and watch his stupid face melt off.


Ok I was scolding myself but I can't really complain. I worked my way up to get this job and I refused to break down because of this dick head.

I honestly pity his girlfriend. He can't even be that great to sleep with.

I bet he doesn't even know my name.

For some reason that thought hit me kinda harder than it should have. I've worked here for 2 years already and he only motions to me with a yell or a wave of his hand. Now I'm running around finding a gift for his stupid girlfriend who also treats me horribly.

"Luke did you look into what I asked?" I said sighing as I came to a stop next to the receptionist.

He looked up at me from the edge of his glasses. Luke was a warm soul in this dark and cold place. He always made jokes to calm me down whenever he saw me running around chasing my tail for that cold excuse of a human being. He also wasn't on the ugly side. He had sandy blonde hair and beach tanned skin. Not to mention his perfectly muscular body.

"An? Helllllo?" Luke said waving his hand to get my attention.

"Oh sorry! What did you say?" I said trying to rub off the bit of drool that was making its way down the corner of my mouth.

"I said," he sighs, "that I found a bracelet from one of our associates that Mr. Knight hadn't paid much attention to."

"Luke you're a life saver," I said massaging my temples to calm myself slightly. "I'll send it up to Satan now," I mumbled as I took the gift bag he was referring to and headed back up the stairs to the top floor.

I deserved a medal for going up and down these stairs all day. There is a elevator but only Satan himself can grant me clearance to use it. I've made the wise choice to stop wearing heels to work and settles with nice plain and more importantly COMFY flats. I couldn't get out of wearing a skirt though.

Halfway up the stairs I saw one of our newer interns rushing down the stairs. She smiled at me and I returned the gesture even with me feeling like I just ran a marathon.

I was starting to get the confidence to knock when he bursts out the office and barely spares me a passing glance.

"What is it," he asked with his resting dead face.

"A gift from Harry Winston for our newly made association with him sir." I said and handed the bag over. "It's a silver bracelet piece that would match Katherine's necklace that she wears."

The man just nodded without giving a second thought to the effort I had to put in for this stupid present. No he just heads for his car.

"Meeting with Sunil Bharti Mittal's people starts at 8:30 tomorrow." I remind him quickly before he can slam the door but don't worry, he does it anyways.

I was exhausted and pumped to finally get home. After I gathered my things I walked in the dark streets to the bus stop. The next bus would come in a while so I sat down and started planning the meeting for tomorrow when I got a text about finding a driver.

He doesn't realize I have a life, does he?

Sighing heavily, I started my search for a damn driver for the boss' pampered arse.

Anna get a grip!

Oh I'm going to get a grip. It's going to be a grip around his neck to strangle him.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing.
"Hello" I greet, bored and tired.

"An, have you got off work yet?" Mel asked me with a rushed tone of voice.

Mel has been my friend through out a lot. He seems to always know when work was stressing me out and tried him best to help. Him and my other bestie Nancy made a promise in collage to help each other out no matter what. Our friendship was one that couldn't be broken.

"Ya I'm waiting for the bus." I said sighing and shoving my hair out of my face.

"Is he being a dick again?" Mel asks softly.

"I'm really close to killing him, Mel. This is starting to be ridiculous. He's the owner of the of the biggest and most powerful corporations in America. Yet he can't get a stupid gift for his stupid girlfriend." I started rambling on. This man was a huge pampered child. He was arrogant and shouldn't be CEO.

"So bar tonight?" Mel asks after a moment of tense silence.

I chuckles "you know me so well. Ill meet you at my house in an hour?" I ask glad to have him with me.

After agreeing to meet up at my apartment and texting Nancy the details the bus finally arrived. The seats were all taken to I just stood near the front and held on to the metal bar. It takes about an 30 minutes for me to get home.

After unlocking the door to my small apartment I jumped into a quick hot shower and dressed quickly in a pair of faded jeans and a white blouse when a knock sounded at my door. I made my way to the door while trying to hop into my pants.

After opening the door for Mel and Nancy they laughed at my condition but rushed me out the door.

The bar was mostly calm when we got there. Mel and Nancy both stalked through the bar looking for this next prey and I settled down on one of the bar stools. The bar tender looked at me with some doubt.

"ID please?" He asks slowly making his way toward me. This always happened at bars because of my unfortunate height and "baby face" as my friends call it. It wasn't my fault that my height and face didn't age like I did.

I just rolled my eyes and slid my ID on the table. He nodded and smile apologetically. He looked a little older than me. He took my order and set it down in front of me before leaning on the bar.

"So why are you here" he asked with a small grin.

"What? Am I suppose to tell you my whole life story?" I scoffed while taking a sip of my drink.

"Well if you have enough drinks in you then maybe." I narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckles and held his palms up in surrender. "I was only kidding, sheesh."

"If this is your way of flirting then your skills are very dull, my friend," I said running my finger around the edge of the glass. He shook his head and smiles.

"Nope just you seemed down and I wanted to offer my service," was the only explanation he gave as to why he was interrupting my peaceful evening. "That and if I was flirting you would know" he wiggles his eyebrows at that and leans a little closer to me.

"Do I look so desperate that the flirty bar tender had to come to my rescue?" I shake my head slightly. "I'm disappointed at myself," I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Well just don't let the drinks get to you, ok? If you get drunk then I might just have to take you home with me." He winks as he walks away to serve another customer. Even tho his flirting attempts were pretty sad I found myself unable to help the smile that slowly broke out across my face. I turned around on my stool and looked around the club and decided to make a promise to myself.

Never get that desperate.


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