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I totally didn't forget to start this chapter.

Ok I'm two weeks late but this past weeks have been a mess. I got sick. Got better. Got sick again. Got better then guess what. GOT SICK AGAIN!!!!!!!!. I'm trying guys I swear but motivate me by voting and commenting pleaseeeeee

Love you guys

Masons pov

She looked absolutely horrified at what came out of her mouth. The red color of her cheeks had spread to her neck and ears. I coughed to stop myself from laughing and sat down next to the man. Mel, as I was told his name was, was watching me carefully. I didn't turn to look at him but I could feel his eyes and I scanned Anna's face. The food looked good and I wondered if she made it.

Anna who has sat down opposite me had been trying to hid the blush on her face. When I had walked in I knew her eyes stayed on my body for a little while longer than normal. It was good to know I had an effect on her. Her face paled whenever she looked at me before turning red again.

I had an effect on all women. When I met Katherine......


My heart ached slightly. She couldn't have only been with me for the money. I had to figure out what happened. I loved her and she loved me. At least that's what I had hoped was true. Was everyone who I had named a friend only been there for my money. I don't recall paying Katherine to date me but I was told she didn't want to see me ever again.

A fork reaches across the table and taps my plate. I look up suddenly and the two friends are staring at me confused but Anna's face showed a bit more of worry.

"You haven't eaten." She says softly. I hadn't realized that my plate was still untouched or that I had zoned out. When I was about to answer, Mel stands up and looks down on us.

"I'm going to have to get home." He said not bothering to pass a glance at me.

"It was fun catching up." She said with a smile. She had started to stand he shakes his head. "I'll see myself out" he mumbles and threw a glance my way before he exited the house.

Anna cleared her throat and turned her attention back to me. "Is the food not good?" She asked after taking a sip of water.

"The food is fine, I'm just not hungry."I had said, not to be rude. She had looked skeptical at first but nodded and picked up both our plates. She went to set them down in the kitchen and came back a few moments later. She looked exhausted and worn down.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I rose from my seat. I walked over to her and she took a step back. "I'm fine." She said as she looked to the floor. I grabbed her arm to stop her from walking away and her skin was warm to the touch. To make sure I placed my hard on her forehead and surly enough her temperature had risen.

"I think you're coming out with a fever," I say concerned as I withdrew my hand from her warm soft skin.

"No, no I'm ok." She said and brushed it off quickly as she hurried away from me and into the hallway. "Night" she mumbled before shutting the door softly.

I nodded at her in reply and slipped into my room. The day was a mess. The room wasn't that bad to. Despite its lack in size it offered comfort but it look as if it had not been touched in years. A think layer of dust coated some of the objects in the room. Things like the little shelve decorations and tiny picture frames. Even tho I haven't seen much of the house there weren't many pictures on display. I walked further into the room and eyed the bag I had packed and thrown on the chair when I got here. I pulled open the zipper and took out my phone. Not a single text or notification. With a sigh I walked over to the bed and laid down as I listened to the creaking of the bed. Anna's room, which was right next to me, was completely silent.

For a while I almost drifted off to sleep before I heard some shuffling and and then a knock on my door. I slowly sat up as the door opened. I couldn't quite make out Anna's features in the dark but she didn't step in the room. "The food is in the fridge if you get hungry later." She says softly.

"Ok" I said simply. She hovered by the door for a while hesitant to ask something.

After I cleared my throat I ask her, "anything else?"

"Have you tried talking to your mom?"


I would have admit to thinking about it but what would the point be. Growing up with my mother I knew the only things she kept close to her were the things that would benefit her. Her and my father met on a mutual business arrangement that benefited both of their family's companies. My younger brother was a back up plan but he wasn't raised with as high standards as I was. I think my parent thought I would succeed and decided that his future could be a little more loose and fun.

The question baffled me slightly. What was her reason behind asking?

"I'll find a way to support myself soon enough, don't worry." I snarled. She wanted me to leave probably.

"I-i was just asking cause....I'm going job hunting tomorrow and wanted to see if you would like to...j-join me?" She said and the outline of her body shook with hesitation.

"I may decide to tag alone." I said nodding to myself. I had to support myself some how.

In the quiet of the room I could hear her deep struggled breathing. She didn't sound ok. Her breath came out in sudden bursts and from her mouth.

I would have asked if she was ok but she suddenly walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. I listened to her footsteps in the room next to mine. I heard the sudden impact as she threw herself onto the bed. I laid back onto the bed. The rest of the night I tossed and turn on the idea of anna. Her motives and actions but the only thing I got at the end was a wave of fatigue that sent me right to sleep.


I woke up by being gently shaken awake. The first thing that hit me was hunger. I should have eaten yesterday. The smell of food cooking didn't make my feel any better. I sat out in the dinning room waiting to be served.

Anna came out of the kitchen a little while later with one loaded plate.
"Oh tha-" I stopped when she sat down in front of the plate and dug her fork in.
"Isn't that for me?" I ask eyeing the food she was eating. She covered her mouth and spoke.
"Um, no. You can get the food from the kitchen."
I felt a little thrown off by that response. Not that I've never served myself but her tone affected me slightly. Did she think I was incapable of serving myself a plate of food? I stomped into the kitchen and looked at the array of pots and pans on the counters. After slowly figuring out where everything was I got myself a plate of food and headed out. Yet when I got to the dining room Anna was getting up. She wiped her hands on her napkin, then looked up at me and the plate with a puzzled expression.

"Be ready in 20 minutes to leave." She said heading into her room to change.

I didn't know what to expect from job hunting since I've never done it before but I would certainly learn.

Like I said before

~ ❤️ M

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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