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I like how wattpad says "this chapter takes 56 seconds to read". I GET IT  I NEED TO WRITE MORE! Anyways enjoy my little buttercups.

BTW there is a reason I didn't put the other main characters name in the description, you guys get to guess who it is! FUN RIGHT?!
Mason's pov

I'll admit that the stress was getting to me. My desk was covered in papers and open files. The list of things to do were starting to weigh down on me and I was getting my information mixed up. This definitely wasn't good.

My headache didn't stop and my phone ringing didn't help it.

I pulled my ear away from the phone in a desperate attempt to save my eardrums.
"Yes Kath," I said as sweetly as possible hoping she doesn't realize how badly I want to roll my eyes.
"You forgot! You forgot you're suppose to be having dinner with me?!"

Oh no, I was done for.

"Oh sweetheart I didn't forget, I was stuck in line to pick up a gift for you! Now you ruined your surprise."

The line went silent and I prayed it worked.
"OH HOW SWEET! Im sorry baby, be home soon! I love you"

I mentally patted myself on the back for this small victory.
"I love you too, see you soon."

After I hung I quickly started thinking of what I could possibly surprise her with. I quickly called up my assistant and demanded a present for my girlfriend and a car out front in 20 minutes.
"I thought I told you to have a present for Katherine ready by the time I head home! I DONT SEE A PRESENT."

"Sir you never asked m-"

"ARE YOU DOUBTING ME?!" I pushed for a second and stared at her. "Well I'm doubting why you have this job when all you're good for is standing there doing NOTHING!"

The girl bolted out of the office and I felt like I did my job right.

I quickly rearranged the papers on my desk for my next few meetings tomorrow and headed out the door to see my assistant hold a black gift bag with white tissue paper pouring out of it.

"What is it?" I said with a calm face on.
"A gift from Harry Winston for our newly made association with him sir." She said and handed the bag over. "It's a silver bracelet piece that would match Katherine's necklace that she wears."

I simply nodded and made my way to the car. As I was about to shut the door the women called out to me.

"Meeting with Sunil Bharti Mittal's people starts at 8:30 tomorrow."

I simply slammed the door and no sooner was the car moving. I was actually excited to get home to Katherine. Maybe spending time with her would help calm me a bit more for work. If I was being honest I really did want to be the right man for her. When we met she made sure to take care of me and stayed by my side through everything.

The most important thing to me was that my family liked her and they did. My mother had known her parents for years and we had grown up together in a way.

The car suddenly jerked to the right and my arm was the only thing that stopped my head from bashing into the glass.

"WHAT THE HECK!" I shouted at the driver that was barely regaining control of the car.

"I'm sorry sir I wa-"

"IM NOT PAYING YOU TO GET ME KILLED!" He seemed to want to look me in the eyes but couldn't take his eyes off the road.

I quickly fixed my suit jacket and glared at the back of the mans head.

"You drive like a women!" I sneered. "After dropping me off at home consider yourself unemployed!"

I pulled my phone out and texted my assistant to find me a new driver in time for the meeting tomorrow.

"What a waste of money!" I spat at him from behind and he visibly shook in his seat.

A long and dead silent car ride later the death trap pulled up in front of the steel gate guarding my home.

The buzzer rang and a gruff voice asked for identification. "It's me Joe."

"Oh hello sir, the madam has been waiting for you." He said as the gate retreated and let the car through. I smiled to myself thinking of what her face would look like after she opens the present.

As soon as the car stopped moving I got out with the gift bad and slammed the door of the car.

When I entered the house the lights were off and a lot of candles produced the only light source in the room. I chuckled at Katherine's attempt at a romantic moment. The sound of bare feet hitting the floor rushed toward me till a small figure threw herself at me.

I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in the crook of her neck. "I missed you." I mumbled to her and she giggles.

"I missed you too but come on! The food is getting cold!"  She said grabbing my big hands with her small ones. 

I smiled and it felt good to smile and not have to worry about anything. 

A small table was put in the middle of the living room with two wooden chairs and a single rose in a small vase,

A small table was put in the middle of the living room with two wooden chairs and a single rose in a small vase,

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"Did you cook this?" I said smiling at the small gesture before looking back at her.

"Well.......I'm not the best cook so I had some help." She said crossing her arms over her chest. The action sent my eyes raking down her body. She was wearing a silky nightgown with a lace neckline and small pearls. When I finally managed to look back at her eyes she was smirking.

"You know, the food is already cold but there is something else I wouldn't mind tasting." She took menacingly slow steps toward me.

"Oh really," I said as soon as she was close enough. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her body against mine. My mouth found her jawline and worked its way down to her earlobe where I nibbled on it slightly. "Won't the food go to waste?"

"So help me Mason if you don't get me into your bedroom right now I will not hesitate to cut off your precious jewels." I chuckled in her ear and she pressed herself closer to me. "You've been too busy for me." She said as her hands drift to my back. "Let me help you loosen up."


Ok so like this chapter doesn't go into the plot but it helps you see masons daily life and how different it's going to be at the end.

Ya I know, excuses for a boring chapter but don't worry. I have nothing to do so the next chapter will come soon. IT MIGHT EVEN BE LONG THIS TIME.
That's what she said.

The next chapter is going to be the same time but from a different perspective. Get yourselves ready!


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