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And that's anna

See you at the end of the chapter

Anna's pov

I woke with a terrible hangover and the sound of the alarm ringing resonated through my head and pounded on my brain trying to wake it up from its slumber. But my brain was NOT a morning person.

I reluctantly got up and cursed my friends for their need to make me drink my worries away. Now I still had to deal with work and with a hangover as well.

I managed to get ready with an aspirin and a cup of dark black coffee and I checked my phone before leaving.

1 unread message
Mr. Knight

Fired old driver, need new one by tomorrow to pick me up. Get one.

I forgot.


Oh no I was going to die! He is going to order a new driver and run me over! Then plaster my body on his wall as a prize! I was too young to die!!!!


Maybe I could teach him a lesson. I could teach him that some things he can handle himself. It wasn't like he was busy or anything. If he can send me a text that late at night then he can manage on his own.


He's a grown man and I had my own responsibilities to handle! I mean sure I was drinking last night but that doesn't mean I will stop everything to help him!

I decided to put it off and just head to work. I took my car today so I wouldn't walk in late to the meeting. As I hurried through the building I stopped at Mr. Knights office to pick up the meetings paperwork and waited in the meeting hall for him.

8:30 came around and I got a message from the receptionist that ‭Sunil Bharti Mittal's people were heading up and a sense of panic settled in my stomach. My hands got clammy and I wiped them on my skirt. What was I doing to do?

The door opened and 5 very professional people walked in. 3 short stubby men all holding cases and 2 women clutching clipboards and folders to their chests.

"I-" I cleared my throat, "Welcome to Knight corporations, ladies and gentlemen." I said trying my hardest to smile at them.

I was definitely not payed enough for this.

"I hope you traveled safely and that the trip didn't take to much out of you," I chuckled hoping the mood of the room would lighten slightly but they all say staring at me hoping I would combust.

"Where is Mr.Knight?" The shortest and the stingiest of the men demanded. I swear his eyes could look into my soul.

"Um- Mr.Knight left me wi-" I said pursing my lips trying to look as strict as the rest of them. But one older lady stopped me by holding her hand up.

"He didn't come?" She asks smirking evilly.

"Well I mean if you could just give me a mi-" I start opening the folders that were on Mr. Knights desk and examining them hoping to be able to stop them for leaving but the papers only threw me off more. The papers were completely off topic. I'm pretty sure one of them was his shopping list but they had nothing of use. He couldn't keep his papers together or even bother to show up!

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