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Anna's pov

The guard had approved me before Mr. Knight came downstairs and told me of how he got a call from Mr. Knighta's mother demanding he stop having access to his home. I guessed she lived through the motto tough love.

The look in Mr. Knights eyes as he was kicked out of his own house was nothing short of murderous and I was considering letting his bash a few heads. I knew I should try to stop any problems for happening but it was the guys house! It's like his mother is putting him in a time out for 26 year olds.

But then again he tends to act like a child so I could see where it would be deemed appropriate.

The tension between the two men grew so I intervened and cleared my throat.

"We were just leaving anyways, no need to start anything right, Sir?" I said as I managed a weak smile. I grabbed the grown child's hand but he snatched it away from me and stomped to the car. I chased after him as fast as my short legs could carry me compared to his swift determined strides.

As we drove to my house he kept his glance out the window and just listen to me talk offering a small nod every now and then.

As I was in the middle of talking about where he would sleep he interrupted.

"Get me a cup of coffee." He said I a stone cold voice, still facing the damn window.

"Um- excuse me," I sputtered shocked at his sudden demand.

"You're excused," he stated simply oblivious to my slack jaw. "Black," he added, " no sugar."

I looked over at him in disbelief then straightened my glare to the traffic ahead.

"Oh of course, Sir. Would you like anything else?" I said in a sickeningly sweet voice through gritted teeth.

He just shrugged.

"Do you SERIOUSLY think I'm going to go get you coffee. I'm not your secretary any more if you have noticed!" I said as my grip on the steering wheel tightened. "If you don't have the decency to treat me like a normal human being then you can forget about getting any help from me! I hope you don't mind begging for your mothers forgiveness," I spat.

He stared at the side of my head for a while before he growled out slightly, "May we go get coffee?" I didn't answer and he seemed to get why because a few tense seconds later I heard, "please."

I smiled. "The answer is still no. It's 10 pm, you won't sleep if you have coffee. That and I'm going to make dinner anyway." I could tell that he wasn't use to not getting his way but he would have to suck it up. If he was to stay with me then he would have to get use to taking orders and seeing things differently.


We arrived at my house and he basically jumped out of the car. I suddenly was hesitant about having to show him my house. He was more use to large palace like houses while I got lucky to find a house that fit my salary and even had a guest room. I spent my time either at work or at home but now I would need to find a new job. He pushed the door open as soon as I turn the key and steps inside.

He scanned the rooms with caution. The living room which had a connected kitchen and dinning room was finished with comfy brown couches with matching carpets, a small cream color coffee table, a large tv, and a few photo frames. The dining room had a table for 6. The rooms had been recently cleaned because Mel would have been coming over the next day. I decided I'd talk to him later about that being rescheduled.

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