Prologue: The Phone Call

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Sherlock knew the minute he read the three little words engraved on the lid of the coffin that his judgment of Eurus would be changed for the worst. Not only was she aiming for innocent people, but now at his closest ally and friend. Turning from the words on the lid, Sherlock made his way back to the coffin in question. As he placed his hands at the edge of it, he had no doubt in his mind that it was meant for Molly Hooper.

"So, who loves you? I guess by your history it's not a very long list," Mycroft said, placing the lid back down against the wall.

"Irene Adler," John suggested, walking closer to Sherlock.

"Don't be ridiculous, look at the coffin. Unmarried, associated with death, alone," Sherlock said, staring down on the inside of the coffin.

"Molly," John said, with a mixture of concern and horror.

"Molly Hooper," Sherlock finished.

"She's perfectly safe! For now!" Eurus's voice flooded the room and suddenly her picture was gone from the screen. "I rigged some explosives in her flat, only to be diffused if I hear the proper words."

Sherlock walked closer to the screen to see Molly hunched over her sink. His heart pounded harder against his chest as he saw the timer in the corner of the screen. He had three minutes to make her say the words written on the lid of the coffin. That was the next test. Instantly, he tried to piece together the right dialogue in his head.

"What words," John asked, clearly still confused.

Sherlock turned from the screen and glance at the lid, hoping John would soon get the picture.

"No," John protested, "you can't."


It was all Sherlock could say, before turning back to the screen.

"You have three minutes to make her say those words. You may not, at any point, indicate that her life is in danger or I will end her right here, right now. Do you understand," Eurus instructed.

Sherlock nodded in response.

"Good. Starting the call now."

The phone started to ring and Sherlock's eyes were glued to the screen. Molly turned from the sink pushing her hair from her eyes. It hadn't been her best day and the buzzing from her phone made her head ache even worse than before. Taking the phone call as a sign to pick herself up, she turned from the sink and focused back on making her tea. She glanced at the name and decided she didn't have the patience to face him today. So, she continued to make her tea.

Sherlock shifted uncomfortably, knowing instantly something wasn't right.

"What is she doing," Sherlock asked, confused.

"She's making tea," John answered the best way he could.

"Yes, but why isn't she picking up," Sherlock asked, gripping his hold on the gun a little tighter.

"You never answer your phone," John pointed out, but quickly regretted it.

"...But it's me, calling," Sherlock said, showing his immediate frustration as he heard the end of the final ring.

"Hey, it's Molly, at the dead center of town..."

Breaths of frustrated sighs echoed across the room as they heard the phone go to voicemail. Everyone seemed to be holding their breaths as the clock continued to count down.

"Alright, just one more time," Eurus teased before the ringing started again.

"Come on, Molly. Pickup, just bloody pickup," John said, rocking impatiently on his feet.

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