Chapter IV: Controlled Chaos

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I want to thank everyone for the lovely comments!! I enjoyed reading everyone's reactions!! And I'm really glad you are enjoying this story! Thank you so much!!

Alright, on to the next chapter! I hope you enjoy!



"Evie Hooper, it's like she doesn't exist. There are no records of her at all."

Mycroft's usually irritable voice plagues Sherlock's flat, but instead, the sound is like a lone angel. In desperate times, Sherlock is willing to take his older brothers acknowledgment. Yet, still, the bitter taste of anger sat in the back of Sherlock's throat just begging to come out. He wanted to scream at him; curse at him, and even physically hurt him for putting all their lives in danger. Sherlock knew Mycroft was trying to protect him, but whenever he thinks of Molly, John or Mary he is reminded who put them there. Who put them in harm's way. Who gave Moriarty a chance. Who took his Molly away. But now the only voice appearing in the room was his older brothers and it did not have very good news to make up for what he had done. Still, Sherlock pushed that anger down. Mycroft may be ignorant, but he is no fool. He sees Sherlock's anger and decides to keep quiet, leaving his clever comments to himself.

"Are you sure, have you checked with the American government," John asked, turning to the oldest Holmes.

"I have checked everywhere, she doesn't exist," Mycroft answered, swinging his umbrella frontward as if to calm his nerves.

John crossed his arms over his chest in confusion. He looks to Sherlock, but no eyes meet him back, only a dark hole of anger. Sherlock's eyes were glazed over with fury making John even more nervous where he stood. He had never seen Sherlock this way, not even while high. Something had awoken in Sherlock and this time John didn't know if it was bad or good.

"Have you checked under different names, perhaps she's married," John tried again, but again gets the same result.

Evie Hooper doesn't exist.

Sherlock shakes his head as his shaky hands touch his temple. He's itching for a fix, but something deep inside him tells him it's not right. It would only slow him down. It would waste Molly's time. Perhaps he got the name wrong, but Sherlock was never wrong. There is an Evie Hooper or was. Closing his eyes, Sherlock pictures the necklace again. This time placing himself closer to the fake Molly. She smiles softly, laughing with her eyes and it takes everything in Sherlock's body to focus on the necklace.

It's shaped like a heart just like before, but this time it seems rougher. Raising an eyebrow, Sherlock digs deeper into his mind ignoring the odd faces in the room. The smooth copper finish is now rusty from years of use. This intrigues him, for when fake Molly had it on before, it looked newer and cleaner. He doesn't dare ask fake Molly for information fearing her sweet voice would throw him off course. Instead, he silently asks for permission. With one nod of her head, Sherlock spins around and gently takes the necklace from her neck. Even in ghost form, her skin is soft forcing him to fight back the urge to linger. Inspecting the necklace closely, Sherlock waves fake Molly off, his subtle way of begging her to leave. She nods in acknowledgment but doesn't leave quietly.

"Remember Sherlock, don't believe a word."

With that warning, she disappears and Sherlock started to understand what she may have meant. Looking down at the necklace, Sherlock now sees the dates engraved under the name.

Eveline Jane Hooper

1983 - 2006

She's dead.

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