Epilogue: A Letter For Mary and Evie

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Dear, Mary

Oh, I never know how to start these thing. You would think after years of writing these I would get better at openings.

Where do I start?

Mary! I desperately wish you could see your little baby girl. She is absolutely just like you. She is sweet and sarcastic, even at a young age; keeps John on his toes. Keeps Sherlock busy as well! She turns five in a week, but I bet you already know that. She keeps asking about you and I pray she doesn't stop. A girl needs her mother and I know you are watching her in your own special way. She has begun to speak and write and of course, she has already started to deduce people. I swear Sherlock as to much influence on that girl, but in the same way she has Sherlock wrapped around her little finger. She also gives her father a run for his money. She is already arguing with him and it's absolutely amazing to watch your personality bloom into her.

As for John, he has started to move on, but I know he will never forget you. He still visits your grave every day. He's met a new girl named Sarah. I promise she isn't a criminal this time! He's happy, and I know that's all you wanted for him.

As for me, nothing has changed. Well, okay that's a lie. Everything has changed.Marriage always changespeople. Now, imagine being married to the world's only consultant detective. We have our ups and downs, but with John and Mrs. Husdon's help, we get through them. We are happy and that's all I've ever wanted. I wish you could have come to the wedding, even though I know you were there in spirit. Thank you for that, I was a nervous wreck...

Anyway, I think that's it...

Oh, wait! Silly me! I wanted to ask you a question.

Do you have any good ideas for a boy's name?


Molly Holmes


Dear, Evie

Evie, my beautiful sister! I have some good news. I finally met your girls! They are lovely, perfect young women. Emily is just starting college in the fall and is studying to be a teacher. I know you must be every proud of her and her accomplishments. Aurora! She's a feisty little thing, isn't she? She must take after you. She just finished her first of secondary school and is the head singer in her schools's choir. She has your beautiful singing voice.

As for Chris, he has done well with raising your girls. He is the perfect gentleman as always and hasn't lost his sense of humor. He misses you a lot and wishes you were here.

I wish you were here too... To give me some advice on parenting, cause lord knows with Sherlock's genes, this little one is going to be a hand full.

I love you, big sister!

Say hi to dad and mom for me!


Molly Holmes


Putting down the pen, Molly stuffed the letters into the proper evolves and sticks them in the secret compartment under her desk. No one knew she wrote letters like this; not even her nosy and over observant husband knew about them. And she planned on keeping it that way.

She didn't really remember when she started writing them, all she knew was that they helped her grieve and get through the day. Smiling, she secured the loose board under her desk back into place, where hundreds of letters were kept. She never mailed them or reopened them. She just kept them for someone else to find one day. Maybe even her grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

Sitting back in the chair, Molly sighed catching her breath. Being seven months pregnant was hard and took a lot out of her, but she was happy none the less. A beautiful smile curled on her lips as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her shoulders. She rolled her eyes playfully turning to see the intruder.

"Yes, Sherlock," Molly giggled, looking up him.

He gave a small smirk, "I can't hug my beautiful wife?"

Even after all these years, he could still make her blush. Molly smiled, but it soon dropped when she felt a slight kick. Her hand fell lightly on her enlarged stomach, her smile quickly returning to her face.

"Everything alright," Sherlock asked worryingly.

"I'm fine, the baby just kicked," she said happily, motioning Sherlock over.

Sherlock smiled, bending down on his knees and placing a gentle hand on Molly's stomach. This was his favorite part. Sometimes he would talk to his son, others he would spend hours rubbing Molly's stomach until she fell asleep. Molly enjoys it too. She enjoys the way Sherlock's eyes would light up everything he felt the baby move. It was the most adorable thing to her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Molly planted a soft kiss on Sherlock's lips. He smiled against them, was njoying the moment their growing family shared.

He pulled back slightly, staring into his wife's eyes, "Are you sure we can't name him Sherlock Jr?"

"For the last time Sherlock, you are not going to name your son after you," John yelled from the hallways, causing both Molly and Sherlock to laugh.

"You tell him, John," Molly cheered through her giggles.

Sherlock just smirked, before bouncing to his feet. "You know Sherlock William Holmes is a perfectly good baby na..."

Molly watched him leave, arguing with his best friend down the hallway. Molly shook her head but still held the loving smile on her face. She looked up to the ceiling, picturing Mary watching them from above.

"Our Baker Street Boys!"

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