Chapter II: Shallow Graves

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Being buried alive was a mortician's worst nightmare. For a pathologist, the same fear wasn't too far off. Molly remembered back when she first started medical school, she would be haunted by strange dreams; most of them ending with her on an autopsy table. She recalled telling her professor about her re-occurring nightmare. She even remembered him laughing and saying, "they are just first time jitters. They will be gone within a week." Molly couldn't help but laugh at the irony of her situation. Death by dirt; how poetic.

At least it's not water.

Molly always had an impending fear of water. Ever since she was little, she would always stay at least ten feet from any body of water. It wasn't the fear of some aquatic creature lurking in the depths of the ocean or the hidden monsters that laid beneath the lake. It was always the fear of being dragged down and having no control over her own body.

She remembered the first time she swam in the ocean; the strong current swept her out of her families view. She was only eight and she had gone missing for four hours until her sister finally recognized Molly was gone. The first few minutes were torture, but the remaining hours were hell. She would swim against the current stopping only a few times to yell for her family. It was only twenty minutes in that she had quit fighting and let the current take her away. It was during that time, Molly had developed her fear of the water. She sat floating in the middle of the ocean just waiting for someone to grab her foot and pull her down. Luckily, she was found before she allowed herself to drown. After that, she swore never to go back into the ocean.

Another time was when Molly was much older. She still held onto the memories of the cold waves crashing against her young vulnerable skin, but this time there was a boy involved. A very charming and rambunctious college boy had persuaded her into joining him in a little swim in the woods. Still, to this day, she didn't know what possessed her to put her full trust in him, but she ended up going anyway. For a small time, Molly stayed only in the shallow end of the lake, but soon she ventured into the deeper parts of the water. Everything was fine and Molly actually caught herself enjoying the refreshing dip against the hot sun of London's summers. But suddenly, as she tried to run from the boy currently trying to steal a kiss from her something caught her foot. At first, Molly though it was a lose branch that had snapped from the tall trees, but with a little bit more investigating with her foot, Molly soon came to realization that it was a human hand.

And boy, did she scream...

It was bitter sweet moment, Molly remembered. It was the day her worst fear came true but it was also the day a passion she never thought she would have boiled to the surface. She took one look at the girl's dead body she had discovered that day and knew she wanted to challenge her perspective on science. It was only a week after the incident that she had changed her major to pathology. It was also the week she met the now brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes. He was much younger back then, a little off, but Molly was always able to see past that. It wasn't just coincidence that they had met; no, for that she had to thank her deadly swim. He came to her, asking her ridiculous questions, even the police didn't think to ask. He spoke at a very fast pace but she was able to answer them all, despite the speed of his rude mouth. Molly almost laughed remembering the slight smirk on his face; "your much smarter than your friends." She didn't know why, but she found herself blushing after his statement and that's when Molly knew she was in trouble. Little did she know, that she would be spending the next ten years of her life obeying Sherlock's every command, but here she was.

Not only, still hanging on to the hope that Sherlock may someday have feelings for her, but now she was caught between a literal rock and a hard place. She was buried six feet underground and trapped with one of the most dangerous criminals in the world as her last will and testament. If it wasn't for the stupid and idiotic decision on her part, her life could've been totally different. She could've been married with kids by now. She could have been a famous writer or journalist, something she was planning on doing before switching to her love of human science. But as much as Molly wished she hadn't fallen for the trap, she still wouldn't want anything else in the world. She loved John, Rosie, Mrs. Hudson and even Sherlock. She wouldn't want her life any other way.

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