Chapter Four: It's Been A Day And I'm Already Losing It

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Lafayette|First Person

John's friends are...odd, to say the least. Alexander is a bit clingy as far as I can tell, but Peggy and Eliza seem ok. I mean they're a bit much at first. As soon as Hercules had stepped away last night they had jumped on me about liking him. Which I mean...sure he's rather attractive, but I've known him for a day. I hardly think that calls for a relationship.

Hercules is nice though. I found myself smiling throughout odd points in the morning when I replayed last night's events. The feeling of him easily lifting me up onto the roof jolting through my body and tingling in my stomach. I shake myself out of that mindset when John calls for Eleanor and I to get into the car. Anna left a near half hour earlier for work, leaving the three of us to get to school on our own.

I slide into the passenger seat, Eleanor sitting in the back. They make small talk, John messing with the radio as we start towards the middle school where he drops off Eleanor. A couple minutes later, we're parking outside a large concrete building with the American flag hanging proudly out front.

John walks with me inside, but just directs me towards the school's office and goes off to find Alexander. I manage to find my way to the main office with minimal wandering and walk in about five seconds before the first bell rings. As soon as I enter the room, Hercules stands from a chair sitting behind the main desk. He smiles as a man approaches me before him.

"Marquis de Lafayette?" He asks, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I take it and nod.

"Lafayette is fine."

"I'm Principal Lee. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too."

He steps aside, revealing Hercules again. "This is Mr. Mulligan, he's going to be your tutor during your time here at Schuyler High. He's also volunteered to show you around today."

"Hey, Laf," he smiles at me, flashing his white teeth. I smile back, a little nervous at the amount of attention he's putting on me.

"I'll leave you to it," Principal Lee says, patting Hercules on the shoulder and disappearing into an office off to the side.

"Nice jacket," he notes. I look down, realizing I had put his jacket on this morning. I guess I just reached for whatever was closest since Peggy still has my cardigan. I blush a little, looking down at our feet.

"Oh, uh you can have it back. I don't-"

"Don't worry about it. You can give back another time. It's cold today." I look back at him to see that he's still smiling slightly, seemingly lost in thought. "Uh, anyway. Do you have your schedule?" I nod handing it over.

He gives a quick rundown of how my day will go, taking up the majority of the morning. It's forth period by the time were done, and I ended up with a free period right before lunch anyway, since I don't have to take a foreign language. Hercules is apparently in no rush to get to his classes either, so he shows me to the courtyard where he usually eats lunch with his friends, a couple of which who have come up and said hi to him already today.

"So you just have geometry and US history after lunch, right?" He asks, sitting across from me at one of the tables outside. I hum, playing with the cuffs of his jacket. It's rather large on me, not that I mind it. I like that it makes me feel small.

"So are all your friends big football players?" I ask him, thinking about the guys who came up to us this morning. He smirks a little, seemingly amused at my question.

"Nah, just Jefferson and Burr- and of course Alex. They're the only ones I can stand on the team." He chuckles as I raise an eyebrow.

"Really? Alexander is a football player?" He nods, laughing a little.

"Yeah, I didn't believe him when he wanted to try out. He always says it's the real reason John fell for him though."

"It's the damn truth," Alexander chimes in from behind me. He slides onto the bench, John coming up beside him. "It's only because of my sexy shoulder pads." He wraps his arm around his boyfriend who laughs and tries to wrestle himself away.

"That's so not true," John counters. Alexander presses a kiss to his cheek though, effectively silencing him. A couple seconds later Eliza and Peggy come to sit on Hercules' side of the table, a third unfamiliar girl with them.

"What're we talking about?" Eliza asks, pulling out a bag of popcorn from her sweatshirt pocket. The other two girls reach over and take handfuls, looking as though they're ready to settle in for an engaging movie.

"How John and Alexander got together," I chuckle as Alex reaches for the bag, Eliza snatches it away. He pouts, looking over to his boyfriend for support. John only takes a can of some energy drink from his lap and hands it over. Alex cheers excitedly as he cracks the thing open and takes a sip.

"Is that really smart? Giving Alex caffeine," the unfamiliar girl pipes up, shooting John a look. He only shrugs and she sighs, turning to me. "I'm Angelica, I don't actually go to school with these idiots anymore." Hercules laughs fully, tossing an arm around the girl who rolls her eyes.

"Good to know?" I say, though it sounds like a question. "I'm Lafayette. I do go to school with these idiots."

"You know you love us," Hercules smiles at me again, ruffling Angelica's hair. "Angie here just graduated last year and is job shadowing the music teacher."

"That must be fun." She shrugs, reaching for another handful of popcorn.

"I guess, I mostly just miss living at home with these girls." She smiles to Eliza and Peggy who grin.

"We knew you'd miss us." Peggy muses, tilting her head towards the girl.

"Clearly," Angelica says sarcastically. They all chuckle.

It goes on like that for a while, mindless conversation and laughter until the lunch bell rings and Hercules has to go back to class and I have to attend my last two by myself. He had introduced me to all of my teachers, but I'm still nervous about actually having to go to class. He stops me before I go back inside though, his hand on my shoulder. The rest of the group is already through the door, leaving us in the mostly empty courtyard.

"John and Alex and I were gonna catch a movie tonight. You wanna come with?" He asks, looking down at me, hands still on my shoulders. I lose control of my vocal chords for a moment, my breath catching at how close he seems to me, though in reality we probably just look like we're having a normal conversation.

"Oh, uh, sure." I manage to choke out. He grins, releasing my shoulders and leaving me cold.

"Great. See you later. Good luck with your last two classes." He turns on his heel, walking off towards wherever his next class is, whistling softly as he goes. I blow out a breath, watching the white cloud dissipate.

Pull yourself together.

I feel you Laf ^

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