Chapter Seven: "Fighting"

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Mulligan|First Person

I knock on the Laurens' front door lightly, uneasy of what awaits me behind it. Faint shouting comes from inside, followed by a loud crash. I sigh, knocking a little louder than before and shoving my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. Heavy footsteps stomp towards the door, pulling it open shortly after. 

"Herc, thank God!" John pulls me by the arm into the house. Alexander stands a couple feet behind us, a pile of books at his feet. "Will you please tell this imbecile that bisexual is not a thing?" Alex scoffs, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. 

"It sort of is," he counters, earning a glare from John. 

"It's called experimenting!" He turns on his heel, stomping up to Alex. "You're either gay or straight, you can't be both!" 

"So you're saying I'm just using you as an experiment?!"

"No, I'm saying you have to pick a gender!" 

They bicker back and forth, getting in each other's faces and knocking more things to the ground. I just sigh and lean on the back of the couch, watching them. After a couple of seconds, Lafayette comes down the stairs, peeking between John and Alexander's yelling to me. He shoots me a look, and I just shake my head. 

I manage to squeeze past the happy couple to Lafayette on the bottom stair. "What're they doing, mon ami?" He leans toward my ear, whispering the words. John shouts something else, throwing his hands up in outrage. Alex leans forward and shouts back, throwing something off of the kitchen counter and turning away from him. They march around the kitchen like bad actors from a soap opera. 

"They're 'fighting'." I use my fingers to make air quotes. I shake my head, my lips twitching into an amused smile nonetheless. He smiles back a little confused, looking up with what seems like genuine interest. His chocolate brown eyes drill into mine, making me forget what I was saying. His lips move for a moment and his eyebrows raise in question. It takes me a few seconds to realize he was actually talking to me. "What?" I ask, blinking to clear the fog around me.

"I said, what's so odd about them fighting?" He furrows his eyebrows at me, concern flashing over his face. "Are you alright, mon ami?" Something about his worry for my well being makes my chest feel warm.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I smile, getting caught up in his eyes again. I force myself to look back at John and Alexander though, not wanting to seem like I have a staring problem. "They do this all the time. They'll be doing it on the kitchen counter by tonight." I chuckle a little, looking up to see Lafayette's surprised expression. "C'mon, if we sneak upstairs now they won't even notice we're gone." I reach for Lafayette's hand and start to guide him up the stairs. We pause in the hallway. 

"What're we doing?" Lafayette giggles a little, a warm sound that makes me smile. He trips on the rug in the center of the hall, leaning into me for a moment. My stomach leaps and I find my arms reaching up to steady him.

"I'll, uh, call the girls. We can go hang out with them." My words are a little shaky, but Lafayette doesn't seem to notice. He nods, leading me to a door at the end of the hall, opening it to reveal what I assume is his room. He sits down on the edge of his bed while I take out my phone to call Eliza.

She picks up after the second ring, muttering a quick hang on before speaking again. "What's up, Mr. Mulligan?" She laughs a little on the other line for a moment.

"You want to go grab coffee with Laf and I?" I ask, looking over at the aforementioned who messes with the sleeves of his navy blue cardigan that Peggy gave back to him the other day.

"Sure, Pegs and I'll wait for you at the park?"

"Sounds good," I say, already tuning out the rest of the conversation as I become a little too infatuated with Lafayette's half smile as he looks at something on his phone. He laughs quietly to himself for a moment and my own lips curve into a smile.

The line goes dead, the sound bringing me back into the present. I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

"Where are we going?" Lafayette asks, setting his phone aside and looking at me.

"Uh, the park. The girls are going to pick us up for coffee." He nods, standing up from his bed. I walk over to his window, prying it open. He shoots me a confused look. "If we go downstairs Alex and John are going to make us stay and pick sides. You really want to do that?" He bites his lip and shakes his head, joining me beside the window.

I climb through the window first, steadying myself on the roof before holding out my hand to help him through. He takes it, seeming grateful for the support. He squeezes my hand as I guide him over to the edge of the overhang. I lower myself onto the platform and let my legs hang over toward the ground I hop down without thinking about it, turning around and expecting to see Lafayette following in suit.

He stares down from the roof with wide eyes, his gaze meeting mine and locking in with me. "I don't like heights," he mutters, blinking a little at me.

"How'd you get down with John last time?" He shrugs a little, looking down at the ground instead now.

"I guess I just didn't think."

"Just don't think now, you'll be ok." He nods a little but doesn't move. I look around like maybe a ladder or something will magically appear to help him down. "Here...just sit down and I'll catch you. Ok?" He lowers himself into a sitting position and I hold my arms out for him. He looks into my eyes, looking a little less than terrified for a drop no more than six feet. I flash him a smile, hoping that it looks encouraging.

"Ready?" He chuckles nervously and I nod. He bites his lip and slides off the roof, squeezing his eyes shut. His arms wrap around my neck and he leans against me as he lands on the dirt. I fold my arms around him, stumbling back a step as I hold him flush to my chest. When he opens his eyes again his cheeks are tinted pink and he looks away from me quickly. We stay like that for a moment, and I can't help but admire how perfectly we fit together like this.

After a few seconds my phone goes off in my pocket and I'm forced to release him to check it. He runs his fingers through his hair and staggers back a couple steps, looking at his shoes.

From: Eliza

Where are you guys?

To: Eliza

On our way.

I didn't quite edit this all the way...but let's cross our fingers it's not too bad.

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