Chapter Sixteen

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Of course, I had no idea how I was supposed to get to the dance with Remy. He surely wouldn't expect me to ride on his horse, would he? The thought was entertaining, at least.

At dinner that night, I asked Father if they were all going to the dance. Maybe Remy and I could ride to wherever the dance was being held with them? However, I followed Father's gaze, which he directed at Cordelia, and saw that the woman's fingers were clenching her fork so tight, they were white. Would I ever get to the bottom of why everything seemed to offend my stepmother?

"We won't go," was all Father said to me.

Across from me, Anna scowled down at her plate. What was keeping them from attending? Was it because no one would speak to Cordelia, or was it because of me? How would they react when they learned I had been invited to go? Would they try to stop me?

Father's gaze went to the far end of the table where Remy was sitting. His eyes widening, Father stared at the cowboy. I could only guess that the cowboy had said something along the lines of that he was taking me to the dance, something I suppose was the respectful and correct course of action if he really intended to start courting me.

"What?" I saw Cordelia say. "Is...a joke?"

Why was I not surprised that was her first reaction? Heaven forbid anyone truly be interested in spending time with me!

"No, ma'am," Remy said. I could only guess that he was respectful, because I couldn't imagine him being anything but respectful.

When he said nothing else, I turned my attention to the rest of my family. Susan was ignoring everything in favor of cleaning off her plate. Sam was playing with his mashed potatoes, something Cordelia would scold her for if my stepmother had taken notice. Katie took advantage of the fact that Anna was staring at me in astonishment, and stole a piece of bread from Anna's plate.

Father's expression was one of confusion, and a frown creased his forehead. "You want to take Ivy to the dance?" And then he asked the question that I'd wondered about myself, but seemed offensive seeing someone else say it, "Why?"

A slight smile curved Remy's lips when I turned his way. "Because I know to be on the outside," he said with his usual deliberate slowness so that I would understand him.

How did he know? Every time I'd seen him with people, no one had treated him as if he were a pariah. Although, I had seem him keep his distance. What had happened to make him wary of others?

The table gave a jolt as Anna used it to shove her chair away. "What...happened to this family?" she asked. "This....all insane."

She stomped away and vanished up into the attic. My stepsister was taking the news as badly as I had expected. What new ways of torture would she come up with to punish me for this? Or would she finally give up making my life miserable since it wasn't exactly working out for her?

Time would tell, so I put it from my mind as I focused on Father once again. His expression was concerned but also...pleased? "I can see no reason why you shouldn't take Ivy," he finally said, causing Cordelia to swing her head towards him. "If she wants to go."

I don't think I would have been able to keep the smile from my face even if lives had depended on it.

"....hear the music!" I only caught the last bit of Cordelia's sentence since she'd been facing away from me when she began speaking. "What is the point?"

Little did she know, I wouldn't need the music.


I shouldn't have been surprised that when I dreamed that night, I heard music. Not just any music, either. My dream contained my mother singing.

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