Chapter 4 - The Audition

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Chapter 4
Maddie's POV

"Oh Maddie that's awful!" My sister leaned in to give me a pity hug. I accepted her request and hugged her tightly.

"But Maddie you only have tomorrow left before Kenny comes and gets you! You have to tell Josh." She warned me as I shrank back guiltily.

"Don't remind me." I sighed and fell back on my bed. All of the Hylands went out to talk to their cousin about the planned Hyland Family Reunion they had begun planning a few weeks ago. Tomorrow, the Hylands invited me to join everybody, and I accepted because Kenny planned to take me after the banquet so I could go join the orphanage.

"It's not like I haven't tried to tell him though. Whenever I try to start such a serious conversation, he either avoids it or gets these dull grey cloudiness in his eyes. It's so sad, I can't even describe how evil it makes me feel." I sighed and picked at the lining of my bedspread.

I flipped over on my stomach as Kenzie shrugged and reached down for another box. Being home alone have me time to pack, considering the fact that I haven't told Brooke, Randy, Kelly, Paige, or Josh about my departure and I can't pack when they're here.

"How'd you do it Maddie?" Kenzie inquired as I sat up to help her finish the packing.

"Do what?" I asked, puzzled by her sudden stray off topic.

"Change," she said softly. For a moment I had forgotten about my tough past with my parents.

"What do you mean?"

"You used to be so positive and cheery. You loved mysteries and always challenged people to discover your secrets and never backed down." Kenzie sighed and our eyes met from across the room.

It seemed like Kenzie sensed a feeling of guilt and pain pass through my eyes before diverting her attention to the ground.

"They say the only thing that can make you change dramatically is a broken heart in need of mending. 10 years was enough to break mine wasn't it?" I laughed bitterly at the thought of my parents.

"Maddie, our parents didn't break your heart. They broke your bones." Kenzie attempted a joke, but received a scowl from my direction.

"Too soon?" she mumbled and turned away.

"Box 1 is done!" I announced with a smile. I loaded the box onto the bed and made sure that I had left a few belongings laying around the room so nobody would notice.

Kenzie tilted her head to the side and looked at my clock.

"What time is it? Your clock is off."

"No it's not. We have the rescheduled Abby Lee auditions in 2 hours." I replied as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Maddie that clock has read 4:12 since you and I came home from my house."

"What?!" I shreiked at the top of my lungs. Kenzie pulled out her phone to check the time.

"Maddie! WE HAVE 45 MINUTES TO GET THERE AND ITS 35 MINUTES AWAY!" she yelled and tossed the second box on the bed. Although I only had enough stuff to fill 3 boxes, my dance wear Paige gave me was not yet packed away and I scrambled to find it.


"Thank you Ms.MackZ." Abby tested Kenzie's stage name with a smile.

"Maddie you did an amazing job for somebody off dance so long. If you can get back those tricks you lost and fix that technique, I'd love to have you on my team." She smiled at me and led me back inside the studio.

"But first, what's wrong. I can tell when something's on a dancer's mind and you aren't very focused today." she sighed and sat down in a black fold out chair.

Poor black fold out chair.

"Nothing!' I lied as she looked at me disapproving me, clearly aware of my tall tale.

"Maddie, if I'm going to sign you onto my team, you'll have to trust me." Abby shook her head in disappointment.

I bit my lip nervously and rocked backwards on my heels. My eyes searched around the room for a subject change, but failed to find something.

"My parents abused me my entire life. I fell in love with a boy, he's perfection and I really like him." I sighed as she nodded. I went on, "Now I'm staying with his family and then yesterday I was told that I'm being sent to an orphanage, but I haven't told any of the Hyland's." I frowned as a tear escaped my eye and rolled pitifully down my cheek.

"So what's this number about?" Abby suddenly changed the topic, probably to avoid any more comforting.

"The combo from the audition? It's about explosions." I stated plainly.

"No it's not Maddie, read between what Ellie Goulding was writing." Abby advised me. She played the music again to prove her point.


On the day you wake up, needing somebody.

And you know then, it's okay to be afraid.'

Te music was cut differently then I was used to but I continued to listen, but didn't understand what Abby was getting at.

"Maddie, from what I understand, you're torn right now. Your parents hurt you. I'm sure you were deathly afraid that they'd kill you one time, weren't you? And you need somebody right now and who would that be?"

"Parents?" I suggested, but Abby shook her head.


"My sister?"



"Maddie, who you need is God. Maddie, leave things to him and stop stressing. Remember, it's okay to be afraid." Abby quoted the song. At her last sentence her voice softened apart from her rambling.

"What does this have to do with the combination?" I tilted my head to the side, my fingers fiddling with the sparkles on my sports bra.

"What does this song have to do with your life? Think about what I just said." Abby advised.

I racked my brain for ideas, but had none.

"I-I don't know." I shyly stuttered.

"What do the explosions represent?" Abby leaned onto the chair. I stepped back for a moment in case it snapped.

"My parent's and their hurting me." I frowned, slightly puzzled at where this was going.

"On the day that you wake up needing who?"

"God to save me," I smiled at the sudden story of my life appearing in a song with no relations.

"It's okay to be afraid." She told me with a smile. Suddenly, I felt a connection between Abby and I. Maybe it was her wondrous skills of connecting a dancer to a story, but I felt a love between us. She somehow after 3 hours, seemed like the mother I never had.

She played the music one more time and I began to dance. I used the story Abby gave me and decided for the rest of the words I can finish the story. The music faded and with a smile, I looked back into the mirror.

"Maddie, whoever adopts you will be one lucky woman." Abby smiled and led me to the door.

My heart sank to my stomach, because before me stood Brooke Hyland.


A/N- Hey guys! So today I'm leaving for a cruise but I didn't want to leave without updating this story! I didn't get to update the others, but I'll be typing on the cruise and will update when I get back!!! Thanks! Vote and share for more, and leave some comments and opinions too.

Tough Love - Sequel to Abused (A Maddie Ziegler Dancemoms/Dance Moms fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now