Chapter 11 - Adopted

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Chapter 11

Narrator's POV

Maddie's eyes suddenly burst open as she sat up in her bed sheets. Sweat dripped heavily down her face as she dabbed it with her bed sheets. It was just a dream. It was all just a dream.

But how much of it was just a dream?

Maddie glanced around, she was alone. She pulled her IPhone out of her pocket and read the time. It was visitors hour/ free time. She sat up in bed and made herself look presentable.

She shoved her IPhone back in her pocket and walked through the door, bumping into the one and only, Ashton Johnson.

"Ash...hey," Maddie trailed off awkwardly. She was dreaming about him, which wasn't good.

"Hey Maddie! Are you feeling better? In Social Studies you almost fell asleep, so I dragged you back here while you were mumbling something about Apple products." He laughed and grabbed Maddie's wrist.

She winced slightly, as he dragged her behind him. A lot of scars still caused pain, but she tried her best to ignore them, because it was still hard to believe that her step father was throwing punches at her on Christmas 2 and 1/2 months ago.

"Where are we going?" Maddie shouted over the rush of wind filling her ears as they stumbled up the steps.

"The den!" Ashton smiled as the started up the new staircase.

Maddie panicked and yanked her arm out of Ash's grip, falling backwards next the the door leading to the floor below the den.

"The what?" Maddie's eyes grew wide, thinking about her dream.

"The den! This morning I should it to you," Ash smiled and reached out a hand to help her up.

"Let's go," he urged, hauling Maddie up. "I already left my mom a note explaining where we'd be,"

Maddie felt her heart skip a beat, this wasn't happening. Her dream wasn't coming true. "A N-n-note?" She sputtered in disbelief.

"Yeah let's go," he pulled her up the last few flights of stairs.

They soon reached the den and Ash threw the door open with a smile, "Here we are!"

"Wow....too bad I forgot my dance clothes." Maddie sighed, hoping the excuse would be enough to leave.

"Yeah, and there's no stereo only a piano. Maybe we can get Annaliese to play for you some other time." He took a set on the floor as Maddie relaxed. She sat across from him and awkwardly smiled.

"So..." He trailed off.

"So..." She mimicked.

"Look Maddie there's something I've been meaning to tell you and it's really important." Ashton began as Maddie's ears perked up. Ash said she fell asleep in Social Studies which means what happened that morning with Scarlett was real. She wondered if this had anything to do with what Scarlett overheard, and why Scarlett was so mean about it, ignoring Maddie all day.

"You've only been here a few weeks, but that's enough time for me to realize that-"

"Josh!" Maddie cut Ashton off as she jumped up and ran to a certain someone in the doorway. She liked this version, much better then her dream.

"MaddieMoo!" He cried as she ran to him, giving him a tight squeeze. She missed him so much. Not wanting to let go, he hugged back as she shut her eyes and let silent tears roll down her face.

"I missed you so much." She whispered, eyes still closed, tears still rolling, Josh still hugging.

"I hate it here. I hate it so much. I wanted you back so bad. Joshy I missed you so much. Josh I lo- wait a second." She pulled away wiping a few tears and placing her hands on her hips.

She frowned at him, "Joshua Dale Hyland, you never called me or texted me once."

"Maddie I can explain..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I sent you dozens of texts and left tons of messages, but Kenzie and I met up to discuss meeting you, we discovered your phone was disconnected due to your parents neglecting to pay your phone bill." He explained as Maddie felt a wave of guilt for making her sister leave.

"And Kenzie told me about your diva attitude so......we're cleared to go back to ALDC for the rest of the day!" He cheered as Maddie jumped up and down, squealing.

"Yay! Oh and this is Ashton, my good friend. I'm so sorry Ash, what were you saying?" Maddie asked turning to a red faced Ash.

"Oh umm nothing..." He trailed off.

"You sure?"

"Positive." He replied as Maddie waved goodbye with a grin and followed Josh to the taxi outside.


A/N:Sorry to stop you, but before people comment, "CALLED IT" when they're right I want to know who I tricked and who predicted what would happen so... judging by the title, somebody is getting adopted. Who do you think it is and who's adopting them? Then continue :)


"Oh. My. God. Maddie!" a certain Paige dashed over to her friend as she walked through the ALDC doors. Paige's friends all eyed her curiously.

"Hey guys! This is Josh's girlfriend Maddie, the one who was on Ellen!" Paige called her friends over. Soon there was a small crowd around Maddie and she felt a little lightheaded. 

"Hi," Maddie greeted shyly as Josh pushed her through the den, to the ALDC clothing store.

"Abby said you could pick an outfit to wear here." Paige gestured to the rows of adorable dancewear.

Maddie got changed, once Josh left of course, and then left the den to come face to face with her sister.

"Kenzie!" Maddie smiled, hugging her sister, hoping Kenzie would understand all was forgiven.

"Maddie." Kenzie returned the smile.

They hugged, but when they pulled apart they spoke simultaneously. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm dancing here now." Kenzie explained.

"Did somebody like, adopt you? You made the team by the way, but the whole orphanage thing kind of...yeah."

"No, but congrats! I'm only here for a day though so..yeah."

Maddie met Abby in the studio after nodding goodbye to her sister. Abby smiled as they began the free private lesson to clean the dance Abby taught Maddie at the auditions.

When the dance was done winked and waved goodbye to Maddie as Josh and Maddie entered the same taxi and went back to the orphanage. They stepped our in an awkward silence.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." Maddie whispered as she hugged him, her neck nestled in his chest.

"I'll be back on Friday." he informed her while giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"Don't kiss any other boys while I'm gone though." He teased as Maddie tensed up, thinking of her dream and how real it all felt.

"I won't"

They pulled apart as Maddie kissed Josh lightly on the cheek. "I love you." he replied as Maddie blew him a kiss with a teasing smile.

"Bye!" They both called as Maddie opened the door to the orphanage, almost running into Ash for the second time that day.

"Ash!" Maddie cried, his face was a white as a ghost.

"Maddie uh, I..somebody's h-here t-to adopt y-you." He sputtered out as Maddie's eyes grew wide. He stepped aside to reveal a tall man talking to the receptionist at the front desk.

Maddie gasped as she saw who it was, "Dad?"

A/N: Mwuahahaha! Thoughts? ;)

Tough Love - Sequel to Abused (A Maddie Ziegler Dancemoms/Dance Moms fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now