Chapter 17 - Another Battle Begins

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A/N: Here's an early update! Happy Labor Day (weekend) !

Chapter 17
Maddie's POV

My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest as my eyes finally adjusted to my surroundings. I was in the back of a monstrous white van. The whole joint was covered in blankets as my mom and my sister sat next to me.

My heart fell to my stomach as the harsh reality settled upon me.

I was being kidnapped.

"Would you girls like to play a game?" Melissa smiled sweetly, although I knew the grin all too well. I would much rather get some answers than play a silly game. my eyes fell onto Kenzie's fragile body as the little girl looked bored with it all.

"When did you take her?" My voice hoarsely forced the angry question out. I still looked at my sister, however the question was directed towards my mother.

"When did you last see her?"

Suddenly familiarity washed upon me as my whole body fell numb. The haunting music of the tune that filled my mind the day Kenzie was ripped from her family, given to our father. That was only 3 days ago.

"But let me ask you a few questions, darlings." Mom raised her eyebrow as Kenzie's hand grabbed my wrist.

"Let's start with my youngest baby daughter."

"I'm not your child."

"I gave birth to you!" My mother screamed as Kenzie's grip deepened onto my wrist. She didn't deserve this, Kenzie barely remembered my mom.

"Now Kenzie," Mom began to compose herself and smiled again. "How long does it take to track down the person you most despise in the world, and find out every last detail of his present self?"

Kenzie stared blankly at the wall as I swallowed every piece of information I could receive.

Melissa ignored the silence and sighed, "3 months."

"Now Madison, how long ago did your father find you at the orphanage?"

"About 2 weeks ago."

"Now if I were to hire an actor to do me some dirty work, Kenzie, how long would it take for him to study up?"

Silence followed as Mom sighed again and answered for herself. "2 weeks."

"If it takes only 1 week to break out of jail by long has an elaborate plan like this been drawn out?"

"4 months." I whispered as the times added up quickly in my head.

Mom grinned evilly. "Kenzie what is today's date?"

Kenzie looked down at her dusty feet and mumbled, "March 25th"

"Maddie what day was your father and I arrested?"

Shock overwhelmed me as I realized what this meant, but I had to reply. I was answering all of my questions as I did.

"December 25th, last year."

"Gee..." Melissa tapped her chin. "That was about 4 months ago, correct?"

Kenzie glared as I slumped down against the van wall. My mind began to analyze what all this meant. She'd been planning this since the day I betrayed her. There was no way we'd ever escape!

Suddenly reality hit my gut hard as I realized that my mom was back here, so somebody else must be driving the van....Harry.

The thought of him sent chills down my back. My whole body went up in flames of pain as every scar he's ever given me ached with fear. The van slowed to a stop, as Mom got a funny look on her face and stood up, to open the window to the front seat. She crawled through and shut the window behind her. Their voices were muffled, but grew louder as they argued.

"Kenzie?" I asked hoarsely, as my eyes burned with tears.

"Yes Maddie?" All she could do was whisper as I leaned over and hugged her tightly. Whatever was coming, wouldn't be pleasant.

"Mackenzie I need you to be quick, have you met the man sitting in the front?" I held her tighty as a tear rolled down her face, sometimes she still felt like a stranger to me, but now we had to be close.

"There's a man in the front?" 

Oh no. Shoot. If Kenzie hasn't met Harry, she doesn't know what's in store for her!

"Kenzie, listen to me. The man you're about to meet is beyond dangerous. Whatever you do, don't push him." I felt her hot breath on my back, and released her from the hug. 

Her eyes searched mine for answers, "But Maddie who is he."

I looked down at the ground in drear. Kenzie repeated herself, as I looked back at her. "The man who did this to me." I let the tears in my eyes spill over as Kenzie's face went cold with realization. 

Suddenly the window to the back opened as my mom stepped out and stumbled over to the two of us with a wicked grin. "Here they are Harold."

Harry followed at her heels with a giddy smirk across his lips, "We're home sweetheart." He leaned in deathly close to my face. I wrinkled my nose and sighed, his breath reeked. I knew we wouldn't be back at the house, they weren't that stupid.

"My parents and Josh will find us, and save us!" Kenzie yelped, before shaking with fear and covering her mouth with her hands.

"So this is the ghost that ain't so dead eh?" Harry eyed Kenzie as she let out a whimper of fear. That built his confidence as he grinned and snapped his head away from us. 

"Kenzie, don't. He feeds on fear." I whispered in her ear as she nodded while Harry turned around. 

"I heard that you little bitch!" He screamed as he stood up from his knees. The van ceiling was too low for him, so he was hunched over uncomfortably. 

"I bring you back here to help your mother rebuild her family and you're scaring my new daughter!" He yelled, grabbing my shirt and hauling me to my feet.

Anger boiled beneath my skin as he got possessive over my baby sister he just met. I clenched my teeth together, "She's not your daughter!" I gritted through them as Harry's eyebrows turned upward.

Still hunched over he looked me in the eye, "How much do you love your baby sister?" He taunted as I saw Kenzie's eyes brimming with tears, out of the corner of my eye. 

"Don't you dare touch her."

He kept his hold of my shirt and shoved me down to the corner of the van, giving me a kick in the gut. It had been 4 months since I felt that pain, and I thought it had been gone for good.

"Maddie!" Kenzie gasped as Harry reached down and grabbed her by the arm.

"Try me." He triumphantly yanked her out through the back, followed by my mother. A strangled cry escaped my lips, but I could not move. 

Just when you think the war is over, another battle begins.

A/N: *laughs evily* My goal in life is to break all of your hearts. JK, but it feels that way doesn't it? Thoughts? 50 votes/comments to continue!

Tough Love - Sequel to Abused (A Maddie Ziegler Dancemoms/Dance Moms fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now