welcome to my life

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Allow me to introduce myself, im Byron. No theres no last name that goes with that. I dont remember when i was born, or what year it is since no one really bothered to fill me in on that detail. Or on anything else like math or  science. All i knew was wake up pick vegetables, lift rocks ,build dams sleep repeat. The everyday life im guessing for an avarage giant like me. Enslaved to things that looked just like you but much, much smaller. Humans.

    Now those times werent very good,i'll admit that right now.
       You know what let me refrace, those times were hell.

     A loud boom signaled one of the tamers had just shot me, that and the lightning flashes of pain inside my back! I hissed at the small man, i make out the fear on his face, but he still held something that could render me blind in an instant. With two simple pulls of its trigger.
      Yeah a gun. It may seam really threatening to a human but a giant like me it was like getting a needle jabbed into your back that was sore for week! If you were lucky and didnt get tentnis from the damn thing. But other than that it was just used for punishment.
      For someone so small and frail i knew i could've easily snapped him in half,  then the guards would not have killed me they probibly wouldve starved me for weeks, then they'd force me back to work. So i endured the burning humiliation through those hot years of the south, doing the human's 'heavy lifting' for nineeen hours a day, every day. Grittting my teeth through the occational whipping, shooting, and insults. Dont get me wrong ,i've done this since i was nine years old but it didnt get any easier, im eighteen now and i still wanna kick that little bastard far into the next continent.
        The one upside was he let us sleep and eat.(even if it wasnt much you gotta take what you're given.)And when i looked outside i noticed her picking flowers by the bushes.
          Her name was Angelica and her parents couldn't have chosen a more fitting name, she litteraly looked like an angel fallen from heaven itself. But looks can be deceiving.

(Nine years ago)

      Snow drizzled down from the morning sky. I was shivering so much i could hear my bones rattling inside me, even for a ginat i never had much body heat i always had to lay beside the animals to keep warm when i was a child. this particular night i could barely sleep at all. Little fridgid flakes continued to tumble down and landing on me until i was coated in snow. Still i refused to move, if i did i would feel pins and needles all over my body like millions of chickens pecking me at once.
      My red ears managed to pick up something faint in the distance.


     I risked rising to my feet and sure enough, my body begged me to be still once again but my curiousity overcame it. I crawled twoards the barn entrence, opening the small door and peeking outside. It was Angelica, breathing into her wet mitts and admiring what looked like two balls of snow and a bunch of buttons placed on the top one. For some reason she even took off her scarf to put it around the top ball. Why on earth would she do that? The snow didnt need to be warm...
      Her giggles stopped and she became as frozen as the world around her. Looking right at me. Fear flodded into those big green eyes of hers she took a step back the snow crunching beneath her boot.
       "H-hi" i said shyly "its ok, i-i wont hurt you" i foolishly said, which only seamed to just make it worse.
           She opened her mouth and let out a terrifide shreik into the the air, the pitch was so high i had to cover my ears and retreat back into the rickety barn.  Thoughts filling with confusion and dread of what was coming next for me.
             The next morning i got lashed fifteen times,and had to do twice as much work out in the snow. By night my fingers toes and face were numb and hard as if they had actually frozen. I saw her again that night but i kept my distance when she looked at me.
              But her reaction had taken a turn i had become too acustomed to when i was with humans. She spoke softly and pridefully but she was still scared, i could tell from her constant stops. 
              "Hello monster." She started. I reeled back from her remark. This little girl around my age had just taken one look at me, my chained pathetic self and called me a monster! As if she didnt know what her parents had put my through the whole day! She continued "You...you dont deserve this. My daddy is spoling you, you know that right?"  Was she blind!? Could she not see that i was bound! Sleeping in a bard with animals freezing to near death each night?! And she thinks im being spoiled?! "I dont want you..i dont want you speaking to me again ok monster? I, im not your friend i would never be friends with such a horribke creature such as yourself." She stomped one foot and crossed her arms over her chest with a huff.
          I stared in shock but it soon turned to bottled anger. I was furious! Of coarse i would be! But i wasnt stupid. I kept quiet backing into the barn and shutting the door. I cried myself to sleep that night, i found it strangely easy and effective when it came to falling asleep quickly.

(Present time)
   So there i was still the same barn just more cramped (even without the animals that had been shipped off to who knows where) and with more holes in the roof then in my back. I just watched through them as this girl skip around like everything was right with the world. Angelica hummed a tune to herself filling a basket of purple flowers called lavander.
      For a moment i caught her eyes looking twoards me. I felt this irrational sense of hope only for it to be crushed by her looking back down at the flowers shooting up to the sun. I hung my head leaning against the barn wall, if i had known what a bad idea that was...
      The wood creeked and groaned beneath my weight like it ussually did. The world became a blurr as the events enfolded and the old wood planks fell appart, next thing i knew the whole barn was tumbling down ontop of me in a huge cloud of white and brown dust. With each breath i took i had to cough at least three times to get the grits out of my throat and lungs.
      I heard a scream from the feilds, probobly angelica..WAIT! NO! NONONONO! i shot up realizing what i had just gotten myself into, there was no way my master was going to take any mercy on me! I was a gonner for sure!

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