Treaty (rewriten ^)

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My heart was pounding.

I could hear it rumbling in my chest so loudly, all I could do was pray it was just my heart and not him coming this way. This was a horrible! horrible idea!

I reached up to cover my mouth and stop myself from screaming when he called out into the room.

Realization hit me, This was how the little borrower boy felt. Terror flodding through your system like ants scurring in your veins, making your eyes water and breaths quicken morphing into soft whimpers of desperation. I shut my eyes sliding down to sit ontop of the desk quietly crying to myself.

I begged whatever devine being was up there to make the giant have mercy on me. Maybe prove my parents wrong, that he wasn't a monster...

My eyes shot open feeling the vase move away from me and my body being firmly pressed onto the counter top.

'Oh god! I was wrong! I was so wrong! He is a monster and now i'm going to die! I should've never left home. I should've stayed and helped my father in some other way. A loud scream and terrifide sobs echoed underneath his hand looking up into those wide Orange eyes of his between his fingers. Too Terrifide to notice the shock within them.

"Lady Angelica?" The giant hand over me shifted to grab a hold of my cloak. I raised my shakey hands to untie it before he could lift me up. Once he saw me trying to undo it he decided to pinch onto my waist instead.

It was so effortless, I felt so much pressure on my torso and it wasnt from my corset, I felt the air slip out of my lungs and I worked over time trying to suck it back in. "I cann't...Breathe..." I panted using all of my remaining strength to try and push his fingers away.

"Oh god! Im sorry!" He quickly set me back onto the table where I stumbled around trying to lean on something. What I found was his other hand sitting there. I gasped quickly backing away before it had the chance to snatch me. "I am so sorry I-I've never h-held a human before a-and I dont know my own strength p-please forgive me!" He pulled his hands away. I noticed them shaking now, like mine were just moments ago. As if he too was scared of death...

"Turn around..." I ordered. After he did, I started to undo my corset from beneath my dress. The metal wires inside it hand bent and were now puncuting my stomach mercilessly. "I am so done with this thing." I hissed tossing It asside once my chest and stomach were free from its constrictive hold. I greedily sucked in oxygen, holding my bare sore stomach for a moment before putting on the top of my dress and tying it behind me.

"C-can I look now..." He asked now his whole body was shaking.

"Yes" I sighed with releif, both because I could breath now and that he wasnt going to kill me. Unless..."But you have to back away." I backed up myself to put as much distance between him and myself, just in case. He went to sit on the bed before turning to me.

"P-please forgive me, I had n-no idea how hard I was holding you!" I covered my ears from his yell apparently he didnt know his own volume either...

"listen, please just calm down ok? Why are you shaking?" I tilted my head genuenly confused.

"Because I don't...I don't wanna die..." He hung his head voice trembling with sheer fright.

"I cann't-oh..." A sigh eascaped my lips. He thought I was going to tell my father where he was and he'd come and find him. "Hey, you promise you won't hurt me?" I kept my voice as soft and gentle as possible, a favor I hoped he'd return.

His terracotta hair bounced up and down as he nodded, he wiped the tears from his eyes quickly so he didnt look so weak. I guess the threat of death puts the fear of God in any creature, borrower or giant...

"OK, so if you wont hurt me, I wont tell my father where you are. I.." I paused for a moment. When I first entered those woods I thought I was gonna convince him to come back. seeing how terrifide he was of that place how terrifide other creatures were of humans, and what my father did to try and tear his freedom away, I decided. "I came to learn. I am willing to expirience more about you and your race first hand or second hand. I want to see what's past the stories my parents told me. You showed mercy, so I will too"

I straightened my back as i spoke in my most confident tone.

The giant blinked in complete confusion and bewilderment as if I just told him I had fallen from the sky and survived. "You've never been interested before...why now of all times.." He narrowed his eyes at me. I could practically see them glowing with suspicion and anger now sprouting up.

"I was! Before you left I was!" I quickly said so he would drop it. But i wasnt as lucky.

"Whats my name?" He didn't drop that infuriated look on his face either. It made me want to curl up and hide somewhwre far away from him.

"Um I...uh..I never...I never got your name, the servants never told me..."I hung my head, invoulentarily quakeing in my boots beneath his intese glare. "You never told anyone, a-and y-your mother n-never revealed it to us before you came..."


"Huh?" I lifted my head looking twoards him. He had his head turned away from me staring out the window at the night sky.

"My name is Byron."

"Oh, I like that name" I smiled despite the venom dripping from his words.

"So what is it exactly you wanna learn? I dont know much myself courtesy of your father." Byron rose from the bed. I flinched taking a step back

"I want to know everything I can. I could help you and giants start getting an equal ground with humanity. I could help all the maltreated races in this forest, but I cann't do that on my current knowlage alone. Please." I stepped forward reluctantly as he sat down at the desk.

"Fine but lets just get a few things clear." He said dead serious. "I am not your servant anymore, I have a chance at a new life here and I'm not about to let you screw it up for me, you stay hidden and on my person at all times, unless im down stairs with the others. I'll bring you food and drink up here you can eat first and I'll eat the rest once you're full." Wait a minute!

"Eh no, I dont think that'll work for me" I spoke up. "Im not gonna eat off a giant plate like him a bug-" He cut me off.

"To almost everyone in this house, you are. With all due respect, A pest"

"What do you mean a pest?!'"

"I mean related to slave owners, they're firm beleivers that Humans are self- richous beings that only want money and power."

I grew quiet for a bit. "Im not like other humans. I want to Learn more abour your kind were you not listening?!"

"I listened, you just don't understand the situation right now. You will die in the worst way possible if they find you. Not only that they'll think I'm a spy!" Byron looked like he dreaded the words that just came out of his mouth, like a bad taste remained. "I have regained something your kind has taken from me,i have a family here. I have warm meals and a comfortable bed..."

"Please...Just give me a chance." I sighed "Byron, I don't want anymore of you to suffer what you went through anymore. Let me help." I slowly lifted my head "I can help you free others enslaved bring them here." My steps shook as I made my way to his massive hand, no longer gripping the desk. I slowly put mine ontop of his thumb

"You're not the monster I was told you were. If that were true I wouldn't be here. I'll do what it takes."

Byron's sigh made my hair whisk back abit. I saw him calm down slowly rotating his hand so I could sit on his calloused, scarred palm "Fine. But you'll stay out of sight and close to me while you're here." His eyes glanced away from me "Don't expect to be treated like a princess either. This isn't the plantation" he set me in a quick hidding place thought he was untrusting, the Ice was breaking at least.

"I understand"

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