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     Two whole hours at a boring party. Two hours full of boredom and making boxes with my feet, turning away men too desprete to take me to dinner first, and low melancholy music that lacked any sort of bounce.
      "Angel go out and dance with a young man." My mother grabbed my shoulder and squeeze it hard to some how give me confidence..? I dont know but i did notice her statement was strangely untrue. The youngest male in that crowd had to be at least thirty eight and that was a generous guess.
         "Im fine mom, thanks" I tried to brush her off but it was no use.
          "Amgelica you are a proper young woman now, the time is coming for you to pick a proper husband for you to take care of and start a family with. I.want.grandchildren!" She whisper yelled.
         I gave her my most dead panned look. "Mother no one here is my age, by the time im thirty, they'll be seventy, at least." I hissed back."im heading outside to clear my head." Despite her attenpts to stop me I walked outside, it was night time now some of the flowers outside had opened up to soak in the moon light. I lightly pulled one from its stem raising it delicatly to my nose ,taking in the sweet fragrance before tucking it in a basket with the others.
             The night was calm, unlike the clatter and chatter behind the mansion doors. I could always find peace here. Well, more peace then inside. There was always that...well the giant servant my father has under his employment. He always has me on edge. Father said he's no good for anything. When i was little he told me stories of evil giants who ate little girls like me or kept them captive until they grew up into young women, then sell them to other giants as maids or worse. Just the memories brought me shivers.
              But, i always felt so curious. How come WE became more dominant?...father explained the war, five hundred years ago when giants and humans locked horns, each time one saw the other someone would end up being killed and you'd think it would be humans. Its because of our advanced brains and intelect that allowed us to rise up above the huge savages and take over. Giants were taken to feilds like this to pick and collect our food and help with jobs we can't do very easily ourselves. Some owners dont feed their giants half the food they need, or force them to sleep outside. Ours is lucky. He has a roof over his head (more or less, i'll have to speak to father about that, his sheater is getting rickety) and food each morning.
          Being of a rich family we hold many plots of land but he cultivates it all. I was thinking of maybe speaking to father about getting a second giant to keep him company and help with the work, but giants are so expensive, owning a single family would cost an aristocratic sallary and keeping them well would be even more, sadly...
           To be honest I always felt a tad bit sorry for him but who wouldnt, while I was playing with my dolls, he was cutting his hands on sharp thorns to gather fluff. But no I never had actual feelings for the giant, he was a servant thats all, one of many at my family'so disposal. Father is always saying giants are still the savages they were before. He has more expirince that i do on the matter so he's most likely right.
       I heard my mother storming out through the doors, holding her dress up so she wouldnt step on it and trip in her angery tantrum.
             She gave the ussual stone cold glare at me. "what are you doing out here!?" She yelled at me eyes burning with fury.
             "Just getting some fresh air, come on sit with me its a beautiful night." I patted the stop next to me
              "Darling your dress will be ruined! Get up! you probbobly have mud all over your boots too!-" I hated it when she freaked out like this. But this time, a loud crash of wood filled the already adulterated silence, and a cloud of dust washed over us. My mother screamed, while i tried to keep said sust from getting into my nose mouth or eyes. We became caked in the stuff much to my mothers disaproval, she screeched running back into the mansion.

When i uncovered my eyes, I was frozen in fear as a massive! Utterly massive figure rose from the pile of wood and dust.

He was so much bigger than i remembered...

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