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   My lungs were merciessly being stuffed with dust and small peices of rubble. My throat felt scratchy washing a metalic taste over my tongue. After shaking a few boards off my back I rose up hoping to be higher than the dust cloud sorounding the  destroyed barn, thank fully I was and it allowed me to take in greedy breaths and process the situation.
       The corroted shackles around my wrists and ankles clattered againt the chains. I heard a womanly scream, my eyes immidietly casting down to see a very terrifide very familiar young woman. Panic began to surge through me once again before I could realize that, this! This was my chance to get away!
          With every bit of strength within me, I pulled on the weakened rusted iron chains binding me to the ground. It creeked and groaned stubornly refusing to break at first. Until with a  few snaps I fell backwards onto the dirt, still feeling a pull around my ankles.
            I was too busy to notice the beautiful blond had already dashed back inside, probobly to tell the master. I had to be quick. I grabbed onto one of the shackles prying it open despite my red irritated fingers, I didnt care about the pain. All I cared about was getting out and now was my chance! The other shackle was harder to open due to my further weakened state, but the adrenaline pumping into my legs was more than enough to carry me far far away from that hellish place. Five hundred acres of plain farmland between me and sweet freedom! I never felt more alive than at this moment!
         Night passed by in a total blur. I couldnt stop running even if i wanted to, I had to get away I had to get away now or I'd never feel the flutter of hope in my heart again.
          Three hundred acres.
           I couldve sworn I heard yelling and barking behind me, my hope reverted back into panic. Only fueling my rapid sprint, as fast as I could. The barking of hounds filled my ears, I couldn't stop now! I'm so close!
           Two hundred acres.
           The barking grew louder by the minute. Soon a large (even for me) canine beast emerged beside me, snapping and growling. My eyes widened with fright. Every slave's worst fear was hounds. Jaws lined with sharp pearly teeth. Reaching up to my hip at its shoulders and heavy enough to pin a giant down, tear their body up as if it were a chew toy. Everything in those stories couldnt compare to seeing one up close. It was the devil himself snapping at you, wanting to tear you down and drag you back into his prison!
            One hundred acres.
            Sudden pain in my leg tore me from my thoughts, one hound had a firm grip on my calf snarling at me past the flesh locked between his teeth. My scream was caught in my thoat. Our eyes met, I saw true hell and death in his own. I kicked my leg hard forcing the beast onto the ground with a yelp. Pain shot up my leg like flames burning it to the bone. My throat cleared to allow me a single scream of agony before I forced my weight on the other to continue. Another ran after me to replace the first, and maybe finish what he'd started. Fat tears brimmed my deep orange eyes. I couldnt take it anymore. I had nothing! If i was so worthless to them why did they send these monsters to drag me back!?what did i ever do to deserve this!? I kicked the hound with my good leg. He stopped for a moment giving me time to get far away from him, putting weight on my bad leg if it ment going faster.
           Fifty acres
  Blood leaking down my torn pants and leg. My face was covered in dirt, sweat and tears. all I could do was keep going. "Its not that almost there" I repeated over and over like a mantra to keep myself awake, the barking returned, echoing inside my brain like a cave howl. The plants bellow me started to blurr into a smudge of dark green. I couldnt see the stars anymore, they disapeared in a stroke of black cold space, like someone had painted over the blinking little lights and replced them with a hollow hopless black.
             Twenty five acers
             My steps slowed to a drag, i was no longer dragging feet, my bones were becomingoing heavy compact iron insite my legs, heavy but frail to the touch. My legs shook violently with exhaustion. So close, I was, so so close. "I can't...its too far..." I panted eyelids heavy. A howl snapped me out of my daze and I remembered the two pairs of eyes that held my future if I gave up. The cold wind rippled through my thin clouthes as it blew on my back almost pushing me forward. I was almost there, I could see it! the forest that marked the end of human territory! It was just within reach! My arm rose from my side twoards the tall trees.
Then everything went black.

(Hey guys! For those of you who dont know me, (sorrry i forgot to introduce myself before) i am Catstache87 i hope you all enjoy my book, vote, read and especially comment! I love hearing from people, even if its just a simple reminder to update it really makes me (and im sure every online author) overjoyed that people like what they're working on.

(Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. ciao ciao all!)

(I do not own the pic

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