i'm home

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The four of us entered a building, filled with other giants of all ages I saw children running around and some teenagers around my age, maybe a little younger talking amongst themselves. Giantesses were sewing and socializing while the men arm wrestled vigorously, some leaving cracks in the stone table tops when their fists struck against it.

I felt Alcor clear his throat and shout at the top of his lungs to get the crowds attention. "ALRIGHT! QUIET DOWN ALL O' YOU!" I winced abit from how loud he was, actually alittle afraid of his powerful voice, I damn sure was glad i wasn't a human right now, I was pretty sure my head would've exploded if I were.

Then he continued now quieter to the silenced crowd.
"I got some new blood 'ere, I want yall ta treat him as one of us." He stopped and set me down onto my feet. Immidietly I felt all my blood rush to down giving me a migrane. He put a hand on my shoulder roughly. Damn! He was strong! I knew I'd be sore for a few days just because of the force of the blow. The giants cheered and raised their glasses in toasts. "Come on lad, tell us yer name." Alcor smiled whole heartedly, I hadn't seen such a geniune smile in so many years, the joy of being welcomed was so alien to me I wondered if I had ever felt it at all.

"M-My name's B-Byron" a soft mutter passed my lips, unused to having so many eyes on me, one giant laughed and shouted to me encouragingly.
"C'mon! Speak up lad!" He raised his hand up.

"Byron! M-My name is Byron!" It felt so strong saying that at the top of my lungs, i felt anouther forgein feeling fill my chest, the cheers and roars raised my sprits from the depths of their cage.

"Welcome laddie." A giantess ruffled my hair, I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. Giants came crowding around me to shake my hand pat me on the back and hug me like I was a long lost son returned home..home.I liked the sound of that.

"So where are ya from bud?"

"You're awful skinny, let me get you some food"

"Thank you." I quickly said before the giantess left, a meal sounded fantastic at this point. "Um im from outside the woods..."

The room went quiet completely. if a borrower was there you could hear their footsteps. Until a few giants (mostly tje tennagers) broke the shocked silence.

"How did you survive?"

"Did the humans do anything to you?"

"Were you born out there?"

Questions after question flodded out of the crowd aimed at me. I tried to answer them as best I could but with each one I answered ten more would come at me until I couldnt figure out which ones were asked already and which ones were new.

"QUIET!" I flinched at Alcor's sudden th roar. "Thats enough questions for now, I'm sure Byron wants to get some sleep and food after everything that's happened. So leave him be, he can answer later." Alcor pushed me twoards The counter delicious smelling delicacies covering it completely, it was so beautiful I almost couldn't breathe.

"Go on now help yerself to anything, get some meat on them bones lad." Alcor pat my head as if I were a child, which actually felt nice. I didn't waste any time in filling up a plate with roasted beef ,pork, smoked vegetables and simmering pike and to wash it all down, a big glass of apple cider. I sat down and dug in like it was the last meal i'd ever get, and I honestly didn't care if it was, the tastes were so vibrant and exciting it was like they were dancing across my taste buds!

After a few minutes the plate was empty and my stomach was filled so much, for once in my life DID feel abit spoiled.

Alcor ruffled my hair "you eat so little, that was practically just a snack. You sure you arent still hungry?" he chuckled.
My eyes widened hearing this, little?! That was the banquet of heaven compared to what I was used to!

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