Found (half chapter)

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      Panic and chaos filled the mansion for hours as the giant dashed off into the woods, crowds of people left as soon as possible, scared that he'd come back and kill them. My father yelled and yelled until I knew his voice was tiring him out and wearing on his poor throat.
        "Father?" I fidgeted walking towards the stressed man, I don't know if I could have done anything. I hated seeing him like this however often it may happen. "How can I help?" I sat beside him. My concern meeting his anxious features.
           "For now, nothing. He'll be wounded and slow, my men can catch up to him by morning.. hopefully nothing has get to him before we can." His gruff voice faltered occasionally, I could only imagine what this would do to his reputation.
            It scared me when he was like this. Each time something went wrong he grew more and more violent, mostly because of the crops not getting enough water to grow. Spring had been growing short while winter massacred the seedlings inside the earth with unforgiving ice. One year almost nothing grew, my father was overflowing with anger the rest of the season. I noticed it was the giant that probably got the worst of it, poor thing. Father whipped him five hundred times in the back in a delusion that he had stolen a part of the harvest.
               The ball room echoed with emptiness now, everyone was gone, the house was quiet as a tomb. Father rose to his feet, spun on his heel and stormed into his office without another word as if he knew something had gone very wrong. In a way, I knew it too.
          I retreated to my room head hung low I sat on my bed twirling my hair nervously, looking towards the blue flowers wilting in a jar.

          “Where did you run off to….”

               I groaned blinking my eyes open, all I could see were the blurry figures of trees and what looked like people, size!
           "Hey guys he's waking up!" A voice yelled making my ears ring. I whimpered unable to lift my hand to nurse my aching ear.
           "Sorry little buddy." The voice apologized. I felt my body being hoisted up onto what felt like someone's shoulder. "We gotta get the doc to fix you up little buddy, you're damn lucky this leg didn't get infected." I hung limply from his shoulder mustering any strength I could to speak.
           "Who....who are you…?" I groaned much to the displeasure of my sore throat.
            "We can introduce ourselves later, you should get some rest while we carry you back." Another voice spoke up it sounded a bit younger, then another that chirped like a child.
             "Alcor! Can I carry him! I can carry him!" He sounded excited and from the way I heard the trees shake around us he must've been bouncing up and down.
            "Heh, not this time Vinny. You're still too small." 'Alcor' responded in that gruff manly voice to the child ‘Vinny’. My vision came into sharp focus at last. A child, a young teen and a buff man  holding me on his back. I tested my throat once again too weak to squirm or try to escape.
           "W-Where are we going...." I felt my blood leaking down to my head making my cheeks red and hot, a very uncomfortable feeling that comes with hanging upside down. With a grunt I hoped to lift it higher maybe get a better view of this new world than the other giant's back. To my shock I  saw tons of little houses lining the path! They couldn't be human, they were much too small, elves were taller than humans by abit so what could possibly...
            My thoughts were interrupted by the 15 /16 year old speaking up. "Borrowers, or tiny theives as some of us call them, and other toddler sized fairies live here." The giant teenager yawned boredly,glaring at the ground and the houses lining our path.
            "Gino! Don't read the poor lad's mind!" Alcor scolded. Not bothing to look behind him"and borrowers are not theives, they eat barely the amount you do, in fact I think you could use to eat a little less." Now he looked over his shoulder his face changed to a warning look.

           Gino scoffed before shutting up completely. My eyes glanced down widening at the sight of the tiny inhabitants of the village that could easily fit on my back. They scurried away from the large path almost invisibly, but i could tell they were there.kid borrowers and fairies waved to Vinny and he waved back happily,others waved to me and I did my best to copy. It hurt so much just to bend my finger...

The forest turned to meadow, the buildings and homes increased in size. Soon they looked like human houses but much much larger, I looked around trying to contain my excitement of seeing such a place, a place where I could literally fit in!


(Sorry for the short and late chapter you guys but i am here! And the new cover will be coming very soon!

(Vote, comment, it doesn't take too long . Ciao Ciao all!

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