Chapter 7: The Truth

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MJ's P.O.V:

I woke up this morning and tried to get up but I couldn't, I looked to my side and saw a small figure wrapped around my arm, the figure was my small little sister Charlie.

I shook her to wake her up,

"Charlie wake up, come on Charlie wake up its morning." Her eyes slowly fluttered open she looked up at me with hair around her face which caused me to laugh. She smiled at me and said,

"Morning Mase." I smiled and she unwrapped herself from around my arm, I looked over at Dylan's side of the room, she was awake, dressed and looking at a photo album of her's,

" I smiled and she unwrapped herself from around my arm, I looked over at Dylan's side of the room, she was awake, dressed and looking at a photo album of her's,

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She was wearing a grey t-shirt, black cropped shorts a black and white flannel shirt over her t-shirt and black ankle boots.

I cleared my throat and she looked up from the book, she had tears in her eyes, she gave me watery smile and said,

"I came up a couple minutes after you two fell asleep you should've seen the both of you, it was cute to see you guys like that. Just like old times." I smiled at her and sat up, went over to my drawers and grabbed my clothes, layed them down on my bed and started getting changed. Charlie had gone to her bed and got her clothes sorted.

I got changed into my 'Hating me won't make you pretty' T-shirt,

I got changed into my 'Hating me won't make you pretty' T-shirt,

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my black jeans,

my black jeans,

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