Chapter 22: Seeing Liam Again Part 2

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MJ's P.O.V:

I sat on Liam's lap in the car while we slowly pulled up to the drive.

I was first out and I walked to the back Liam close behind me and opened the boot, I grabbed my bag and we made our way to the front door where Jack was waiting.

He opened the door and we walked in. It wasn't very big but it was cool,

"You guys can go upstairs if you want." Jack said and we followed Liam upstairs into his room.

Liam had a double bed so I chucked my bag on his bed and sat down on the floor next to Dylan and Liam while Charlie sat on my lap,

"So how was your guys' week?" Liam asked looking at me and frowned seeing my face,

"It was eventful Gus has left so its a lot louder than it was." I said and he nodded

"It was weird how loud it got I didn't like it." Charlie said leaning into me and I kissed my head, "It brings back bad memories." I heard her voice crack so I hugged her tight and she sighed

"Yeah our week was okay besides MJ not leaving her room all week." Dylan said glaring at me

"Its better than my old things I did when I was depressed." I said putting my arm up which shut her up Liam sighed and kissed my head

"Calm down sassy no need to get angry now." He said making me laugh.

We talked for a while before playing 'Monopoly' for a few hours.

Time Skip

"Guys dinner!" Jack shouted and I looked at the clock to see it was 7:30pm 

"Oh jeez we were playing that for a while." I said walking downstairs.

We sat at the table and Jack sat across from us,

"So MJ I feel like I've heard you name before, did you have any family in the police?" He asked ad I immediately thought of my dad

"Uh yeah my dad he worked for the police until he died. Maybe you knew him Andy Karter?" I said and he nodded

"Oh I know him. He was a good man, he's dearly missed in the forces." He said making me and Charlie smile, "So how old are you guys?" He asked

"Me and Dylan are 12, Charlie's 8 and Frank's 14." I answered and he nodded and we ate the rest of our dinner in silence.

At 9:30pm we all went back upstairs and got ready for bed, the boys got changed in Liam's room and we got changed in the bathroom,

At 9:30pm we all went back upstairs and got ready for bed, the boys got changed in Liam's room and we got changed in the bathroom,

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I wore my 'Walking Dead' pj's,

I wore my 'Walking Dead' pj's,

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