Chapter 12: Reunited

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MJ's P.O.V:

I woke up this morning at 5:50am like usual and got changed into my uniform. I did my hair in 2 buns on my head with 2 plaits and the rest down (I looked like Mickey Mouse).

 I did my hair in 2 buns on my head with 2 plaits and the rest down (I looked like Mickey Mouse)

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I looked over at Charlie and Dylan, Dylan was dressed her hair was in a wrap around braid,

I looked over at Charlie and Dylan, Dylan was dressed her hair was in a wrap around braid,

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and Charlie was starting to get ready. I did her hair into a bun.

After we were ready we grabbed everything we needed, put it in our bags and went downstairs for breakfast

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After we were ready we grabbed everything we needed, put it in our bags and went downstairs for breakfast.

I sat down and no one was there surprisingly so I just grabbed 2 pieces of toast and started eating it.

At 7:35am like usual me, Charlie and Dylan left to get the bus.

After dropping Charlie off we walked to school. We got there 2 minutes before the bell so we started walking to form.

We got in before Mr Walters so we all just sat down. After waiting 10 minutes Mr Walters came in and said,

"Morning all!" I rolled my eyes at his entrance, he does it every morning, "Well at least you 2 got here on time today." He said looking at me and Dylan,

"Well actually sir we were here before you so you can't say anything." I said smirking at him he laughed, shook his head and sat at his desk to do the register.

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