Chapter 11: Dylan's Got A Crush

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MJ's P.O.V:

I woke up at 5:50am by my stupid alarm clock, I slammed my hand on my clock and rolled out of bed and saw Dylan staring at me from her bed. I smiled at her and she smirked back.

Charlie was just waking up I said,

"Hey Charles you up yet?" She nodded and smiled, I walked to my wardrobe, my uniform and got changed. I put my hair into a fishtail braid,

I looked at Dylan she was up and dressed she had her hair in a messy bun,

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I looked at Dylan she was up and dressed she had her hair in a messy bun,

I looked at Dylan she was up and dressed she had her hair in a messy bun,

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After Charlie was ready I did her hair into a high pony,

After Charlie was ready I did her hair into a high pony,

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We grabbed our bags and went downstairs for breakfast.

I sat down next to Harry, Jeff and Charlie his hair was messy and he was in his primary uniform I smiled at him while he ate his Cookie Crisp he smiled back and I ate my toast in peace.

When it was 7:35am me, Dylan and Charlie grabbed our bags and walked to the bus stop.

After dropping Charlie at school me and Dylan walked to school. We got there just in time for the registration bell. We walked into form 5 minutes late and Mr Walters said,

"Why are you late?" He asked he didn't look happy

"We just got off the bus and we were on our way here when the bell went it because we were on the other side of the building it took us 5 minutes to get here." I said not bothered about being late

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