Chapter 16: I Love You

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MJ's P.O.V:

I woke up to my alarm clock at 5:50am and got dressed into my uniform, I put my hair into a half up half down with a braid that wraps around the back of my head,

I woke up to my alarm clock at 5:50am and got dressed into my uniform, I put my hair into a half up half down with a braid that wraps around the back of my head,

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when I was finished I looked to see Dylan and Charlie awake Dylan getting dressed and Charlie waiting for me to do her hair. I did her hair into 2 braids,

and Dylan did her hair into a wrap around braid,

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and Dylan did her hair into a wrap around braid,

we grabbed our bags and walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see no one but Liam there, he was wearing his uniform which confused me he saw the look on my face and chuckled,

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we grabbed our bags and walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see no one but Liam there, he was wearing his uniform which confused me he saw the look on my face and chuckled,

"Seen as I'm the only one off I didn't want to be by myself so Mike talked to the headteacher so I could come back." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek,

"That's sweet what you couldn't bare to be away from me?" I said jokingly and he laughed and kissed me gently on the lips

"Actually yeah I would miss you too much and at least I'd be able to see you in the corridors." I smiled at him and he kissed my head and sat back down on the breakfast bar.

I grabbed some toast and sat down at the table and began eating, slowly everyone piled in as I was just finishing. I put my plate in the sink, grabbed my bag and walked into the hall to check I had everything,

"Geography book... Check, Maths homework... Check, English homework... Check, RE book... Check, Art folder... Check and Guitar music... Not check, Shit." I ran upstairs, grabbed my music and ran back down, I chucked it in my music folder and put it in my bag, I hadn't noticed Liam was there until he cleared his throat and I fell off the couch, he started laughing and I glared at him which shut him up,

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