Chapter 15: Skipping School

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(A/N: I'm going to start with a nightmare at the start of this from MJ so it fits to the story. Warning Strong Language and Sexual Content.)

MJ's P.O.V:


I was lying awake in my bed because I couldn't sleep at 2:00am when I heard a door slam. I knew it was Derrick. I looked over at 3 year old Charlie to make sure she was still asleep, she was, I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs, I quickly threw the covers over me to make me look like I was asleep, as I heard the door open.

There stood with an empty beer bottle in his hand was my step-dad Derrick. He started moving towards my bed,

"I know you're awake come on." He ripped off my covers, "Lets have some fun." 

He started unbuckling his belt and taking off his trousers I didn't know what was happening until he was on top of me with no pants, trying to take my pj bottoms off,

"NO NO PLEASE NO!" I yelped and he slapped me across the face,

"Shut up you piece of shit." He slurred at me I could feel the alcohol on his breath, I started squirming as he started sliding my pants down, he slapped my face again, "Stop squirming or you'll make this worse for yourself." He said as he got my pants off and started pulling his boxers down.

"Now lets have a little fun." I cried for my father in pain as he took advantage of my 7 year old body.

End  Nightmare

I shot awake in my bed sweat dripping down my face, tears filling my eyes, my breathing heavy. I checked my surroundings, I was in Elm Tree I was safe, I got out of my bed and checked my alarm clock, 2:00am, 'Great I'm not getting to sleep now' I quietly left my room and started going downstairs into the kitchen. 

I walked to the fridge and got the apple juice, I went to the cupboard and picked a blue cup out. As I was pouring my drink I heard a familiar voice,

"Couldn't sleep?" I whipped around and saw Liam sat at the breakfast bar I didn't even see him when I walked in,

"No I had a nightmare couldn't get back to sleep. You?" I said turning back around and continued pouring the apple juice,

"Can't sleep haven't been able to, think its just weird seeing all these people again, coming back here, it just feels odd sleeping in a different bed that isn't my own." He said

"Tell me about it, I've been kicked out of 19 care homes and the only reason I can sleep is because I stay up really late the night before, so I don't sleep in the car but I do when I get to the care home."I said sitting down next to him sipping my apple juice, still a bit shaken about my nightmare, I was only 7 when Derrick raped me, I've been scarred ever since

"Wait 19 care homes?" I nodded "How do you manage to get kicked out of 19 care homes?" He seemed surprised

"For fighting." I said nonchalantly 

"Wow didn't expect that from someone that looks so innocent and peaceful." He said he was quite shocked

"Believe me piss me off and you might as well start planning your funeral." I said seriously and he chuckled

"Alright noted." He said and smiled at me which I returned.

"Well it was nice to finally meet you Frank talks non stop about all the pranks and scams you did." He laughed 

"Like what?"

"The burger dive, The old foaming volcano the new ones are always the best, the laundry scam and other pranks too."

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