The test

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(Mellos pov)

I had a test, And so did Matt. We both needed to go but it was as if he was stalling, and i didn't like it.
He was also talking about Near, and I didn't like that either.

"Why don't you just stop talking about Near?!" I exclaimed at Matt clenching my fists slightly.

"Hmph, sounds like you're crushing on him Mells"
Matts voice was quite being overrun by the Mario video game he was playing.

"I might just like Near, the slightest bit." I let my fists rest. Matt then paused his game like I said something serious and put his goggles over his eyes turning towards me, I then Heard him inhale dramatically, then all hell dropped upon me.

"Mello and Near~ sittin' in a tree,

Yep you know it. I hit him in the back of the head, he stopped singing and turned away starting to walk to class without him.

Soon I heard footsteps behind me, i wasn't far from my class and it wasn't Matt, Matt would be louder and probably have some sort of game sounds playing.

I don't know why but I didn't want to look back, but i had to glance back for a second, and there he was, that sheep, albino freak, my enemy, my agony and pain, and most of all my crush.

I had no idea why the little brat was following but I didn't want him to suspect anything so I just kept walking until I got into my class and sat down. Luckily enough Near's seat was ok the other side of the room.

The teacher started to pass out the tests and I was always the last one to get my test. It makes sense I sit all the way I'm the back of the class.

I was finally handed my test and once I was given the go I started to only think about the test, my passion to beat Near wasn't gonna die down just because my hormones were all jacked.

Time skip to after the test

My hand was so tired from the writing i had to do, we had to wait a day or two before the results got in and I was a bit hungry so thank God lunch was after the test.

I handed in my test and stood up from my desk before pulling out my chocolate bar and snapping one of the squares of milky chocolate into my mouth.
I then felt like I was being watched or something, my first instinct was to look at the tiny stalking albino, so I looked in Near's direction.
I was right it was the sheep demon looking at me but why?
We made eye contact for a bit until I walked out to lunch.

Another time skip

Matt and I where sitting in my room after lunch, we sat on my bed in silence, well almost silence, Matt was now playing a old Zelda video game.

Matt finally spoke up, "I need a new pack of cigarettes and we can go out into town today, want to go?"
His words earned my attention and I looked up at him. "Uh yeah we should-" I was cut off by a knock on my door. I held my finger in the air even though I knew Matt wasn't looking and got up to answer the door.

Once I opened the door, Rodger and Near where standing together, Near was a few steps away from Rodger barely paying attention, more interested in the toy planes he was holding.
"I want to talk to you and Near in my office please, alone."
Rodgers elderly voice echoed threw the room. I almost got worried, does he know what me and Near did? Or what I did to Near? Did Near tell..

"Okay, why? What did I do now?" My voice showing no worry, but some frustration. Near only glanced up at me for a second, before looking back at his toys.
"Mello we can talk about it in my office." I rolled my eyes and followed him and Near to his office.

As we entered the room he pointed to the two chairs that me and Near practically own. As I sat down so did Near and we looked up at Rodger, well Near only glanced again.

Soon enough my gaze turned to the door which slowly opened, a man with dark messy hair and bags under his eyes entered the room before looking at us. His voice was a little harsh while he spoke but mostly like he could care less. "What happened to make Near's test score drop so drastically?"

"Oh Boys, this is L if you haven't realized." Rodger said gesturing to the man, it should I say L now?

"L, to answer L's question I don't actually Think L needs me to answer" Near spoke fluently before glancing my way. I then looked at L who nodded at us. "Moans echo threw the empty halls of wam-" he was cut of by Near who decided to speak up, "what you are inferring is totally wrong but I won't deny me and Mello were the ones making the nose."
I then turned my attention to Near who didn't bother looking at anything other then his planes "I had a bad dream so I came to Mello, he then asked me if i wanted to have fun, and to mess with people we made irritating sounds."

I was in a room complete silence. But then I looked up at L "he's right." L looked at both of us before speaking once again. "Then what is the reason for the down grade that couldn't have been it."
I hesitated to say this but he covered for me first, It'd only be fair if I helped as well, "I beat him more then I usually did before the test. But only under his head not to make it obvious." I sighed quietly before glancing at Near once again. "You two must get along better. And to insure you do, i will be here for a week." He then took out arms and cuffed us together, how long would we be cuffed? Would we be sharing a room?

Rodger then nodded and handed Near a key, with my room number on it. "Near will you pack your toys and stuff then move into Mello's room as soon as possible?"
Near nodded before shaking the chain, he was handed the keys to the cuffs after, apparently L trusts him. "Near only unlock the chains when you have to, and if I catch one of you without the handcuffs then there will be punishments." We were then pushed out of the office and Near started to walk silently to his room. We had a few ft on the chain and I stood as far away as possible.

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