Chapter 7: Revival (Part 1)

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(Y/N's P.O.V)

"Good afternoon (Y/N) how can I help you?" Ozpin had his usual calm composure.

"I was just going to ask you about my robot." I could see the little one drooling out the corner of my eye.

"Oh yes....I believe Atlas has a hold of it right now. I can get a Bullhead to take you to where they are holding it and you can ask them about it."

"I'm sure Ironwood would be pleased to see you." Glynda added as she kept an eye on the short girl.

"Alright. Hopefully they can fix her." I walked back into the elevator and went down to the airfield.

I waited for 2 hours until a Bullhead finally came down.

"Where to buddy?" The pilot asked me.

"Atlas." I sat down and watched the scenery below as we flew over Vale and soon the ocean.

(General Iron Wood's P.O.V)

I had been looking at this giant mechanism for hours. We managed to put out the fires and shut the machine down but it amazes me. I must know more about this machine.

The mechanism's power source seems to be damaged. The machine overall is damaged but lets hope my team can at least attempt to fix it.

"Sir someone is here to see you." My assistant informed me. 

"Who is it?" I asked turning and facing her.

"Y/N L/N sir."

"Let him in." My assistant nodded and left the room.

Moments later a man with (H/C) hair wearing a a T-Shirt,Jeans,and combat boots.

"Afternoon Mr.L/N." I greeted the boy as he approached me.

"Afternoon sir." He replied.

"So lets cut to the chase. What is this machine downstairs?" I asked sitting down.

The boy took a breath,sat down,and answered me.

"That machine is a Pan Pacific Defense Corps Mark 3 Jaeger. It stands at 79M or 260FT high and weighs 1,980 tons. Speed level 7, Power level 8, Armor level 6. Kaiju kill count 5. Named Gipsy Danger. Property of the U.S.A and Pan Pacific Defense Corps." The boy replied not taking a breath in between sentences.

"I see. How does this machine operate?" I asked.

"The center is a Nuclear Vortex Turbine. That is its main source of power other than the Nuclear Reactor in the head. Its a two Pilot system. One Pilot controls the left hemisphere and the other controls the right. Both Pilots must make a movement or else the robot will not move. The Pilots are connected by a Neural link that connects to the robot allowing the three to share thoughts." Again the boy replied in one breath.

"How could we get this machine back up again?"

"It appears its badly damaged but if you could find some parts that would replace the old ones and find me a co-pilot it could work again." 

This boy is very knowledgeable about this machine.

"Then that is  what we will do." I replied standing up.

"It might take a few weeks or years depending on how fast you find those parts. The boy replied standing as well and began walking out.

"Don't worry it most likely wont take long."

<Aaaaannnddd end chapter. Whew. Sorry it took a while to update. Writers block caught up with me plus I was kind of being lazy. More coming soon! I promise.>

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