Chapter 35: Wake Up Call

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(Weiss's P.O.V)

Through the night I heard loud noises from outside my closet. I thought it was my father in another one of his blind rages but it sounded.....bigger. A couple times a bright light shined through the cracks in the doors. I thought I was dreaming until this morning.

I woke up still in my closet. Nothing looked different. I had the knife, my closet was still intact. Nothing seemed different that was until I opened the doors. My room was basically gone. All around me was the rubble of my former prison. I couldn't believe it.

I saw Winter approaching the rubble. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. I cried tears of joy and happiness, finally I was free. 

I could live a new life with my friends and my sister. I was free to do whatever I wanted. I can't be controlled anymore. I'm truly free.

Winter took me back to the military base she stayed at most of the time. We sat in her room. Winter paced back and forth across the room. She had been thinking for the past hour while I was beaming with pure joy. We ended up finding my father and brother tied up with rope. 

I told the police everything my father had done to me. Winter had backed me up the whole time but now she showed signs of regret.

"Winter you've been pacing around for an hour now. Take a break." Winter looked at me. I frowned slightly. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy.

"Winter? Whats wrong?" I asked standing up. She pulled me into a hug and cried softly. I hugged her back and just stood there. 

"We sold out our dad to the police. What if he gets out and tries to find us?" Winter sobbed.

I patted her back. "Its going to be ok. I promise." I replied.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. General Ironwood entered and called for Winter.

"Winter your needed immediately." Ironwood said before he quickly left.

Winter and I separated and she smiled. "Be right back sis." She walked out and the door closed. I sat back down on the bed and waited.

(Blake's P.O.V)

Me and Neo were walking around the boat. Lily had to be somewhere else on the ship and Sun was taking a nap. Neo and I had been catching up but there was something I didn't understand: Last I saw her (Y/N) was with her and now she is alone. Where did he go?

"Hey Neo where did (Y/N) go?" I asked. Neo looked at me and shrugged. 

"I don't know. I was taken into custody before I could see." Neo signed. I sighed and looked off into the distance. The only thing for miles around was ocean. I don't know how long its been but it felt forever since I first step foot on this boat.

My scroll vibrated, signalling I had a notification, I checked it and saw it was a news story.

"Schnee Mansion Destroyed Over Night" I stared in shock at the title. Neo tried to look over my shoulder but....she was too short. I quickly read the article and was amazed. The Schnee mansion was destroyed but no one was injured. I sighed with relief as I finished the article.

Neo snatched my scroll and her reaction was the same as mine. She handed my scroll back and seemed to start thinking about something. She began walking and I followed behind. I understood her confusion. We saw Gypsy Danger just yesterday then overnight Gypsy Danger destroys a mansion.

Neo looked to me and we had the same thought. (Y/N) is moving but to where is anyone's guess. All I know is me and Weiss are safe for now.

Hopefully Yang and Ruby are safe too.

(Yang's P.O.V)

I finally left my room. My hair was ruined, I looked like shit, and felt like shit. I sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. 

"Lats night the Schnee mansion was destroyed. The only part of the house that isn't damaged is a closet. A knife was also recovered from the rubble. Police have come up with a few theories but it was general Ironwood that stepped up with his own theory earlier this afternoon. "Last night the Schnee family mansion was destroyed. We believe the robot that harbored at Beacon was responsible." This has been the second report of this machine being spotted." 

I listened in shock. Why would Gypsy Danger destroy Weiss's mansion? 

The question kept bouncing around in my head until dad showed up. He put something on the table, he had a big stupid grin on his face.

"I have a surprise for you." He said gleefully.

I looked at the box and opened it. Inside was a mechanical arm.

"Surprise! Ironwood designed it for you. Hopefully it will help you get over everything that happened." Dad still had a smile on his face.

"Thanks.." I sighed and slouched into the couch. His smile slowly faded away and he sighed.

"Look kiddo I want to see the little dragon I know and everyone loved. You have people out there that care about you. They want to see you happy again." I looked at him and just shrugged.

"I'm alone. Everyone went their own ways and left me behind." I replied turning my attention back to the t.v. Dad just stormed off into the kitchen leaving me to my thoughts and thats how I stayed until night fall.

I was sitting alone in my room looking at the broken moon. I kept thinking about everyone else and how I could try to get back up again.

I started drifting off but before I completely fell asleep I heard something huge approach the house and power down. I heard people talking down stairs and then footsteps coming up the stairs and to my door. I heard the door creek open and someone laid next to me and wrapped their arms around me.

"We didn't abandon you. I promise I will come to you." The person mumbled. I recognized the voice. It was (Y/N). I turned and cuddled him.

We fell asleep in each others arms.

(Ruby's P.O.V)

We set up our camp and were sitting around the fire Ren made.

"So what do we do when this is all over?" Jaune asked.

"I don't know." I replied. 

We had been walking for days and slowly but surely were making progress. Sure we got lost a few times but we found our way back. It was actually nice laying under the stars at night. Some nights I could hear the animals walking around but there would always be loud thumps in the distance.

I wondered how everyone else was doing especially Yang. She seemed so depressed before I left. She seemed like she lost her purpose and was lost in the abyss of her doubts and fears. It saddened me to see her so down.

Sometimes I wondered what would happen when this is all over. What happens when Cinder is defeated and everything is restored to order? Only Oum knows.

I heard someone get up and walk a bit deeper into the forest. I followed behind and saw it was Jaune. He seemed to be training to a video but the voice in the video sounded familiar. I managed to get a quick glimpse and saw Pyrrha on the screen.

It was sad but inspiring to watch him train.

(A/N: Honestly this part in the show tripped me up and almost made me cry.)

I returned to my sleeping bag after a while and was out like a light.

(A/N: This chapter was a bit different but I enjoyed typing it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Work on this story may be a bit slower soon but its for a good reason. BUT that reason is a surprise for you readers so stay tuned! I will see ya later!) 

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