Chapter 20: Dance With Death (Part 2)

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(Y/N's P.O.V)

Welp general dip shit stopped the Jaeger testing even though he kept claiming he "needed" it. Recently everyone is going crazy about two things. One: The dance and two: The giant robot sitting against Beacon cliff.

"Where did this come from?" Goodwitch asked as she and Ozpin walked up to the back of the Jaeger.

"General Ironwood decided to stop studying Gipsy so I had no choice but to bring her here. Hope ya don't mind." I explained shrugging with my hands in my pockets.

"Alright. I don't see the problem with it being here. Grimm cant climb it and it will be accessible for you just in case." Ozpin replied sipping his coffee.

After that discussion I went to visit and chill with RWBY and JNPR until I heard someone hung lights from Gipsy's shoulders.

"Hm seems fitting I guess." I smiled and continued hanging out with my friends and prepared for the dance.

I have five dates to the dance and its RWBY and Neo. They all went out and bought dresses and I was banned from the dorm until the dance.

So I walked around Beacon and hung out with Pyrrha. She is awesome.

"So how ya been? Asked Jaune out yet?" I asked her. She blushed bright red and looked away.

"N-no. I keep trying but its hard to tell him."

"I feel ya there. I liked a girl on Earth. She almost became my co-pilot and I was nervous out of my mind. Unfortunately....she died in a Kaiju attack..on the wall."

'Flash back'

I was sent to help on the wall with my crush. She had brown hair,brown eyes,and had the body and voice of an angel.

"Hey Y/N hurry up we got work to do." She smiled as she walked ahead of me giggling.

She was amazing and perfect.

She was like a child sometimes. She would puff her cheeks and pout like a child sometimes and she was always enthusiastic.

We grabbed our gear and were lifted up to a few levels below the highest.

"Look at that view!" We latched ourselves onto the beams and we walked out to the edge of the beam.

We could see the icy landscape of Alaska. "Wow! Look at that." She pointed to the snowy mountains in the distance.

"Its beautiful." She gasped.

"Not as beautiful as you." I said smiling at her cuteness. This was where I was gonna confess to her.

She turned to look at me and smiled brightly with a slight blush.

Just before either of us could say anything a Kaiju claw of a category four came down and crushed her and almost me.

"Nooooooo!" I watched the debris fall to the ground as the Kaiju raged on in its attack.

'Flash back ends'

I sat there with fresh dears running down my cheeks.

"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry." Pyrrha put her hand on my shoulder.

"Its alright. I got over it a long time ago. But some days I still think about what could have been. I wonder what she would have said." I smiled remembering the warm smile she had before she died.

We walked around for another hour before she left to get ready. I went back to the RWBY dorm and was surprised to see Ruby and Weiss ready.

"Hello ladies." I smiled as I walked up to them.

"Hey Y/N!" Ruby tried to cling to me but her heels stopped her. "Miss Schnee you look lovely tonight." I bowed and she blushed.

"Wheres Yang and Blake?" I asked standing back up.

"Blake is nervous about the dance and Yang is trying to get her off the ceiling." Ruby explained as she tried to keep balance.

The dorm door opened and Neo came out in a puffy dress that was pink with brown frills. She smiled and clung to my arm.

"Hello miss Neo." I smiled.

She looked up at me and gave me a kiss. Soon Yang and Blake came out and we all went down to the dance.

The dance was very fun and well done. Everyone was having fun and enjoying them selves.

I danced with my girls and we had a fun time watching Jaune dance in a dress.

I saw a shadowy figure make an exit so me and Ruby followed and Neo tried to keep up in her puffy dress.

The shadowy figure entered the CCT tower and began using one of the terminals. I snuck around and caught the person in a tight grip.

"Gotcha bitch!" I shouted as the person tried to escape. I kept my grip until Ruby and Neo helped me and Neo knocked her out.

We dragged her to Ozpin's office and they put the person in a high security cell. The person was Cinder Fall who apparently was undercover with Emerald and Mercury according to Neo.

"We will keep her here overnight and tomorrow we will ask all the questions we can." Ozpin dismissed us and thats when I felt a warm liquid running down my leg.

I pulled up my pant leg and found a trail of blood coming from my thigh.

"Well shit." Ruby and Neo saw and walked me to the Nurse's office.

"What a way to end the night." I feel asleep after the rest of the team came and decided to stay with me tonight.

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