•Ethan Dolan•

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I was home alone and was feeling very horny. My roommate Ethan was filming videos so nobody is able to help me. I grab my computer and open it to Instagram where is see an edit of Ethan grinding which turns me on even more. I slide my hand down my leggings and start to touch myself. I rub my clit, while being a moaning mess. I start to finger myself and pump in 1 finger adding more. Once I'm up to 3 fingers I feel my stomach tighten, and I knew what was coming "ughhhh Ethan" I yell as I cum. I grab a tissue and wipe off my mess thinking about what I want him to do to me. I finish with myself as I hear a doorknob twist I knew it was Ethan, "I heard that baby, what you were doing" he says throwing his shirt off "and I would love to do it to you" he whispers seductively in your ear, you moan at the sound of his voice. He starts aggressively kissing you pulling you into him. His tongue enters your mouth and starts to explore it making you moan into the kiss. He stops and starts kissing you down your neck, making sure to leave obvious hickeys. He goes down towards your breasts kissing them lightly. He rips your top off followed by your bra as you do the same to him. He kisses your boob then finds your hard nipple turning you on, making you moan. He repeats with the other boob then slowly, and seductively. I grabs your panties with his teeth pulling them off then throwing them across the room, revealing your very wet pussy. He starts to eat you our flicking his tongue up and down inside your clit, you feel like you're about to cum so he stops knowing what he's doing. You grab him and flip him over and start to grind on top of his boner, making it grow centimetres in size. You pull of his pants taking his boxers with them, throwing them across the room. You wrap your hands around his length and start to pump up and down making him groan, that makes you smirk.  You kitty lick his pre-cum on the end of his tip "stop being a tease" he groans. You take his length inside your mouth and start to bob up and down, he grabs your hair and pushes you up and down making sure he gets all the way into your mouth. You go faster and faster as he twitches inside your mouth letting you know he was about to cum "I'm gonna c-" after that he released all in your mouth so you swallow all of his warm juices. You get flipped again onto your back as Ethan takes control again. He slides into you, knowing that your on the pill and starts to thrust. He goes faster and faster with each thrust until he finds your g-spot and starts to hit it every time. A knot like feel starts to take place in your stomach as it tightens up and you tighten around Ethan. "I'm about to" you yell
"me too baby" he yells back
You cum all over his dick, he takes one more thrust inside of you before coming himself inside of you. He pulls out panting after the love that you have just made. "Wow" was all you both could say.
Ok so this fucking sucked. This was my first time EVER writing shit like this and I haven't even had my first time yet sooooo...
*cue crickets*                                              I suck at writing so that helps      ha ha not. Sorry for this shitty story these smuts will consist of:
Team 10
mostly boys but I might try more
Riverdale- Archie, Juggy, maybe more
Dolan twins obviously
-Ethan and gray
Maybe some styles or Malik but who knows
I think that's all bye.

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