Emilio Martinez

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You and Emilio were best friends ever since you were both in nappies, legit. You were also from Spain and Emilio flew you over too see you, then you got offered a spot in team 10. It's been a month since you've moved and you're still in the same room as the Martinez. Emilio and you stayed home to have a movie night while the rest of team 10 went out for dinner. It was about 11 when Emilio pulled the vodka out of the cupboard, "let's play truth or dare but every time it's your turn you take a shot" you nod and laugh.
You were on your fifth shot and it had been all normal, it was Emilio's turn to ask you a question "I dare you to take your top off" he said laughing. You didn't hesitate to because he has seen you naked so many times, not in a sexual way but in a friendly way. It was your shit to ask him, he picked dare so you basically did the same as him "I dare you to take your pants off". He didn't hesitate to take his off either. Everything eas fine until his question... "I dare you to kiss me" he said with a smirk, you felt your heart pounding. What? Can you repeat that? You thought. You had absolutely no feelings for him, he's hour bestfriend. You leant in and kissed him, slow and passionate, you wanted more. Both of you were out of breathe so you pulled away. You looked at him then down to his lips then back up to his eyes, he copied. And bam, he kissed again. This is gonna be bad. This was less of a kiss more make out. He licked your bottom lick asking for his tongue to enter your mouth, you declined. He took you by surprise when he pinched your butt, making you gasp. He slid his tongue into your mouth as he tangled it into yours. You both kept going till you were out of breathe AGAIN. He looks at you with a smirk, he looks at your almost bare chest, since you took your shirt off before, and starts to unclip your bra. As soon as he manages to do that he kisses down your neck, tugging and pulling to make hickeys, he finds your sweet spot sucking on it making you a moaning mess "h-hurry up Emilio, y-you're such a tease" you blurt out  inbetween moans "soon princess" he grabs your breasts and starts to massage and squeeze them pleasuring you, filling your needs. He sucks on your tit and bites at it, which was hot. He finished in that area and he kissed down your stomach towards your parts. He reaches your inner thigh and plants soft kisses inside them. He kisses your heat before getting ready to eat you out. He spreads your legs and pushes you down even more before licking you, then exploring his tongue inside you licking up your juices "emi" you scream, he was perfect, filling all your needs. You push his head away and get up, push him down and pull of his boxers. He had a huge one, you gulped and got ready to start. You kitty licked the top of his length before wrapping your mouth around the top. You put all you could of him inside your mouth and started bobbing your head up and down, you used your hand for the rest. As you deep throated him he pushed your head down even more, trying to get as much pleasure as possible. You all of a sudden stopped and commanded "get a condom, I'll do all the work" he reached over into his Jean pocket and grabbed one "how did you know you would need one?" You asked with a smirk "because I knew this would happen" he replied as he handed you the condom. You opened the packet and slid it onto his d!ck. I jumped on top of him and lined him up at your entrance. When he we there you bounced up and down punching all of him into you "you're so tight" he screamed "fuck daddy" you replied. He flipped both of you over, still inside you, and it was his turn to work. He grinded on you, teasing you as much as he could before thrusting into you. He hit your g-spot everytime before his thrusts became sloppy. You knew what was about to happen. "I'm about to" you both screamed. You released all over him, he grinned and did one last one inside you so he could reach his limit as well. He pulled out and released into the condom. "We should do this again?" You slightly ask hoping for a reply "definitely, princess" he replies as he gets up to grab his clothes.  He walked out with a work and one last kiss before going to the couch to watch a movie so things didn't seem sus when everyone got back.


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