Tessa Brooks

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You and your best friend Tessa were alone at the team 10 house. You always felt yourself being a bit by but you never thought much of it. You were on your bed when you felt sexually active and you stuck your hand down your pants as you finger yourself. You get up to go get a dildo then sit back down. You're now thrusting it in and out of your self moaning. You lose control and are just focussed on that so focussed that you don't notice Tessa walk in. She looks at you and licks her lips. I thought she wasn't at all gay but maybe not, boards do break. She looks at me and comes closer I bite my lip. She comes inches away from my face and we kiss. That innocent little kiss turned into a make out so I slip my tongue into her mouth exploring every little part of it. We pull apart for a breathe and she pulls her top off so I follow and take off mine. She kisses me again before leaving my lips and going for my neck. She finds my sweet spot and sucks in it to be sure to leave a mark as I moan "T-tess" I grunt. She moves from my neck down to my breasts kissing them. She takes off my bra and throws it somewhere across the room she licks my hardened nipples and sucked on them. I moan as she starts to suck on my nipple. She goes from one breast to another sucking on both. She kisses down my stomach and to my area. Slowly she sexily pulls of my leggings and then my panties leaving me fully naked. She moves down to my clit and starts to rub it with her hands. She begins to kiss my inner thighs and then closer to my clit. I moan as she flicks her tongue up and down inside of my pussy. As she I sucking I feel a finger inside of me. She adds another finger then another now pumping in and out. I know it's not a dick but it felt better. She keeps pumping inside me going faster and faster until I feel a knot, knowing exactly what it was I yell "tess I'm gonna c-" I release all over her fingers. She licks all of my juices off her fingers and then all of it from inside of me. We take a break for about 10 minutes until it starts again just me pleasuring her. I suck on her boobs as hard as I can making her a moaning mess, which I find very hot. I lick her breasts then go down to her stomach then her clit. Since I've never done this before I take a deep breath. I lean in and start to eat her out flicking my tongue up and down like she did to me. I taste her juices which leaves me wanting more. I continue to eat her out until she's dry. I insert a finger into her and start to pump it up and down. I insert another hearing her moans more often. I insert another and continue to pump. I keep going faster and faster until I'm out of breath. I feel her warm juices all over my hands I happily lick my fingers and then her some more making sure she's dry. We get up and we're both wobbly O our feet after what just happened. I put my clothes on and walk out of her room "we should do that again" I say with a wink

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