Logan Paul

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You are marks sister and he still lives with Logan. Today you were visiting them so you start to drive over there. You've always had a slight crush on Logan but have never done anything about it since he is your brothers best friend. You got to the restaurant that you guys were meeting at and looked for Logan, once you spotted him you walked over to him and engulfed him in a big hug. You hadn't seen Logan in a while so this one lasted longer. You love the way his strong arms wrapped around your small body, you wanted this to happen all the time. You both sat down and made small talk until mark got there and you all ordered. The table was small and you sat next to Logan, Mark across from you. During the dinner Logan had his hand on your thigh squeezing it, this was new. You played along as in nothing happened and you kept eating. "I gotta go piss" mark said as he sat up excusing himself from the table you nodded and watched him walk off. Logan moved his hand from your thigh and started to move it closer to your heat causing you to moan "not now Logan" you whisper in his ear he nods and quietly say "I'll keep it for later babygirl" he confidently says with a smirk, you blush and continue to eat.
Mark dropped Logan and you off back at their shared apartment and left to go to Kylie's house. As soon as you walked through the door Logan kissed you, rough, pushing you against the door. He looked at you asked if it was ok which you just nodded in response wanting him. He started to leave kisses down your neck making sure to leave marks. He found your sweet spot and sucked on it turning you on more and making you a moaning mess. He tugged at the hem of your shirt taking it off so you took his
He grunted "I want you so much baby" in your ear, you just bit your lip.
He took of your bra throwing it somewhere in the apartment then started to kiss your breasts. He licked your tit then sucked on it making you wet. "Jump" he said, you did, he carried you downstairs still kissing you. He kept going then started to kiss down your boobs then to your stomach then your inner thigh. As soon as he reached your inner thigh he licked your flaps. He stuck in one tongue and started to eat you out, you threw your head back in satisfaction "I just want you daddy" you moaned. He started licking faster, flicking his tongue inside of you, he placed in a finger and pumped you then added another, and another. You felt your stomach knot up and you were about to release, he noticed so he took his fingers out and licked them. He took off his boxers leaving him naked and slid a condom onto his large length. With no warning he inserted inside of you.
"Y-yes daddy" you scream, tightening your grip on the bed sheets.

"Baby your so tight" you heard him say.

He started to thrust harder until they became sloppy meaning he was about to, you were too. He did one more big thrust then pulled out and cumming all over your stomach. Without warning you came to, which he licked all of it up from inside of you.

Well that was shit... Bye.
Tell me what you want and I'll write it, guyxgirl, girlxgirl guyxguy, guyxguyxgirl anything you would like I'll do it, as long as the people are on my list.
Thankyou so much for 50+ reads didn't think I'd get one
Gonna go now cya

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