Paul brothers x reader

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(A/N- I've always wanted to write this 😏)
Logan and I were at jakes house while the rest of team 10 were out. Logan is my boyfriend of 2 years while Jake is like a brother to me. I was sitting on the couch when Jake and Logan walk in, they look at me and smirk, oh no. Logan comes up to me and sits down and then Jake sits on the other side. Logan places one hand on my thigh, Jake follows on the other. "Umm Jake what are you doing?" I ask him he is like a brother to me, nothing evolving that. "You'll see" he replied, I shoot him a worried look and then look at Logan "what's going on?" I ask "baby, I just wanna try something new" he smirks, then winks. I raise my eyebrow "a threesome?" I ask "exactly" they both reply. I smirk then I feel a set of lips on mine I've never felt them before, must be jakes. Jake keeps on kissing me/ making out with me while Logan is rubbing me inner thigh, which turns me on. Logan sticks his hand down my pants and begins touching me through my pants. Jake begins to move onto kissing me down my neck leaving small marks, that will soon turn into big hickeys. Logan pulls off my pants then swaps with Jake. Logan begins to slowly make out with me while Jake begins to touch me. Jake spreads my legs apart and puts his tongue inside my clit. He moves his tongue up and down eating me out. He keeps me going for until he takes his tongue out and replaced that with his fingers. He pushes 1 finger at the start inside and out side me making me moan into Logan and I's. I grabbed jakes hair and pulled it "don't do that babygirl" he says seductively. Logan stops kissing me and pulls off my top then my bra. He massages my breasts lightly then sucks on my nipple. He lightly bit it before trailing little hickeys across my belly. I feel Jake stop then I hear the sound of a packet opening. I look over to see Logan sliding a Condon onto his long, lard d!ck. He demands "get on your knees" I do as he says. He pushes into me and starts thrusting immediately. I feel Jake in the back of me also thrusting but instead of into my vagina into my a$$. "Baby you're so tight" I hear Jake say while Logan was just moaning. "Mhmhm daddies" I scream. I felt a know I my stomach and I yelled "I'm almost there" I yell "princess cum for your daddies" Logan yells. So I do, I come all over logans dick. Jake cums inside of me but it was in my ass so it doesn't matter. Logan still hadn't reached so he pulled out and took the condom off, I started giving him head. I deep-throated him until he came inside my mouth, I swallowed and smile. That was amazing. "We're doing that again" I say smiling, God that was tiring I'm gonna be weak tomorrow. I get up and put my clothes on "Jake Logan and I are sleeping here on the couch tonight" k he replies before going upstairs to bed. "Good idea" I say to logan he smirked "yeah"
"I love you"
"Love you too babygirl"
Ew that was actually horrible

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