We go to a convention...(this will end well-.-)

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I shivered as I walked down the empty streets. The night was nearing its end, but the moon still hung in the star speckled sky. When I reached the front steps of my house I paused and took a seat on the cold stone. What the Undertaker had said still swirled in my head like a dark and dangerous ocean.

"Lady Annabell? What are you doing out here all alone?"

I turned to face a scarlet eyed demon.

"Oh, hello Sebastian. I was...errr...off."

"Troubling thoughts the undertaker placed in your head?" he smirked.

"WHAT!? How did you!?" I shot up from where I was seated. The demon simply rolled his eyes. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that he'd known, but I still paused before speaking again.

"My Lady, what he said is no lie, but you are not the only one. "

"I-I'm what? I'm not the only one?"

" There were four more additional souls broken that day. Word spreads fast of souls with unusual traits. I should know." Sebastian stood up," Now My Lady , I would suggest you return to your bed. It is nearly dawn and your mother has extensive plans for us in the morning. "

With that I bid the demon goodnight and returned to my dark room.

The next morning arrived sooner than I would have liked, but I still pulled myself out of bed.

"Annabell, the convention you love to go to is right around the corner. Did you want to go this year?"asked my mother that morning at breakfast. I agreed, but my face paled slightly when she said "my exchange students" were going as well. we has one week to prepare which was spent by me searching over the entire house for any spare coin or dollar. when the departure day arrived all the characters loaded into the car. I was not very good at cosplay, but I had let the characters dress in their original clothes. Aloise was excited to see the other cos-players, Ceil thought it was a waste of time, Claude didn't particularly care either way, but I was focused prepping Sebastian for what I assumed would be an onslaught of fan girls... When my mom dropped us off, I lead the group into the building.

"Annabell, I have seen three of my self," Ceil whispered to me, but I only smiled and explained that there was almost certainly more to come. the went rather smoothly for the first half to which i was relieved, but I think that disaster began when I needed more money. I had already spent the money I'd brought with me when I happened to spy a sign that said there was a cos-play competition for several different animes. Black Butler was on the list and I knew my characters would win with them being, well, the ACTUAL characters! i gathered Ceil Aloise, And Claude easily enough, but Sebastian was the most difficult, not to find, but to separate. He was taking pictures left an right with a huge crowed of fan girls. I nearly avoided a fist fight with one of them saying that Sebastian belonged to her... I had to drag the demon away saying that I only wanted him to win a contest and get money. i finally reached the signups and entered each character into their respective divisions. The judging came shortly after and I took a seat in the audience. Attack on Titan was first, then Assassination classroom plus several others.  The Black butler division was next and i waited as three Grells, a Madam Red, and  six Lizzies were judged before the main cast. Aloise was up next with about thirteen other people dressed as him. It was a bit difficult to spot him in the small crowd, but my jaw dropped when the judge held up the hand of a cos-player. this was repeated with both Claude and Sebastian. Ceil was the only one who even got a ranking and that was second place. He refused to give me the money he'd won afterwards. we all decided to return to the hotel and stayed there for several hours before coming back. I was worn out and decided to take a shower, Ceil took a short nap, Aloise was watching something on television, Claude was over staring into space and Sebastian was... SEBASTIAN WAS CRYING WHILE HOLDING A KITTEN THAT I COULD HAVE SWORN WASN'T THERE BEFORE!?

[-----Time skip-----]

When we returned for the party, we were all refreshed and in better spirits. I wandered over to the snack table and joined Ceil in a back corner. I was about to go refill my plate for the second time when an ear piercing shriek made both me and Ceil whirl around. One of the Lizzy cos-players from before had charged at him. The thing was , she had Lizzy's voice down to the detail and after she left, I ended up giving a short therapeutic session to a thoroughly traumatized Ceil. Then another sound had everyone panicking. Both of the demon had begun fighting, the dance floor was on fire, Aloise was on the chandelier, and the building looked ready to collapse.

"Stay here," I growled at Ceil. I first ran beneath Alosie, trying to convene him to jump.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you!"

"Annabell!Help me!!!!!!"

"How did you even get up there!? And don't worry! I said that I would catch you!"

"I just wanted to do what the song said and I had Claude put me up here!"

Aloise jumped off the chandelier and I successfully caught him.

"thank you thankyou thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!

"Ok, ok. you can stop hugging me now." I said after setting him down on the floor,"Now, I need to deal with two demon butler who have been trying on my patience lately." I was fighting against the crowd of people streaming from the building, but I finally made it inside. Both demons were dueling each other with plastic silverware and either didn't hear me shouting at them or just didn't care. Probably the latter. with that I think I began to go a bit insane and started hurling what ever I could lift at the demons to try to knock them out. It wasn't working, but Ceil came to the rescue carrying the black kitten from the hotel room.

"Annabell! Use *ACHOO* this! "

"Thanks," I replied and it didn't take long to find a spider," HEY! Both of you! Clean this up right now or I will hurl both of these creatures into the nearest fire! "

"She'll do it! she is crazy!" Shouted Aloise from the other side of the room. Before long both demons had put out the fire, repaired the building, and were groveling at me feet.                      

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