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OK, so this is completely random, but I am kind of weighed down with school work right now and this just kind if gave me an idea.

The signs when told to do work that they don't want to do

Aries: gives the person a middle finger or does the work while groweling under their breath.

Tarus: starts the work, but gets distracted

Gemini: laughing maniacally as they are the ones assigning the work with Capricon

Cancer: manages to do the work but isn't happy about it

Leo: ignores person who wants the work done

Virgo: does the work but in a way that somehow gives them an advantage?!

Lirbra: tries to convince themselves to do the work, fails....

Scorpio: refuses to do to the work disspite the consiquences

Sagittarius: procrastinates SO much!!!(but gets the work done)

Capricorn: is the one giving others the work they don't want along with Gemini

Aquarius: sits and stares at the blank page until they either do the work or pass out

Pieces: does the work but takes forever

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