Chapter 3

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 I went over to the couch with El and we sat down next to each other.

"So... what happened to you before I found you? Where were you? I asked.

"I was brought to the upside down with the Demogorgon... it didn't live, but there was a even scarier monster there.

"How did you find 006?"

"I-I was walking around the upside down and saw her, she was passed out on the ground with the monster trying to hurt her. I pushed him away from her with my powers and took her to your house. It's where I've been living.I brought her there and helped her heal. I don't call her 006 much, I like to call her Sya. (S-eye-uh) I thought she deserved to be called something other than 006. she taught me words. she was going to teach me more but then we found a way out."

"I think that's the most I've ever heard you say!" we laughed for a few minutes until the room fell silent. Suddenly El grabbed my hand.

"Mike... That thing we did in the cafeteria... What was it?" she asked innocently.

"That was called a kiss..." I said with some newfound confidence.

"What does it mean?"

"It's a way someone tells you they want to be more than a friend."

"What do you do when you're 'more than a friend'?"

"W-Well um... people who are more than friends go on dates and kiss and stuff..."


" it's where you spend time with the other person doing stuff together, only the two of you. unless it's a double date. that's when you have another couple who are also more than friends. Someone who is more than a friend is called a girlfriend or a boyfriend. girlfriends and boyfriends tell each other they love each other, And as I said, kiss and stuff"

"W-what is love?"

"Well... When you love someone it means that you care about them. You'll do almost anything for this person, you trust people you love. You can love someone like a brother, or you can love someone like more than a friend."

"I love you Mike."My eyes open wide and my cheeks flushed a dark red. How can she say that and still look like she doesn't have a care in the world?

" You-you don't say it to just anyone... you really care about the person."

Suddenly, without warning I felt El's tiny lips on mine. The look of shock slowly faded off my face and my eyes started to close. I pulled away after about 10 seconds. El grabbed my face in her hands.

"I love you Michael Wheeler." and she pulled me into a hug.

Sorry about how short this chapter was!!!! I just wanted to get a new one out for all you beautiful readers. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, if you are part of my family then I'm sorry about what you just read, you will survive. (5 people in my family read this story... including my parents...)

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