Chapter 3: Uchiha Itachi: Guilty of Murder

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Please do read "The devil's Angel" by akishinzou one of the authors of this story.

R&R please.....


"Haruno Sakura" he said and turned away.

Naruko's eyes slightly widened 'Haruno Sakura!' And paled

'Haruno....Sakura......the cheerleading team leader and also the leader of all bullies!?' She looked at Sasuke. Cold sweat dropping from her face.

"Oh.....uhhhhh.......ummm..... Have a...*gulp* happy relationship....." She said in a slightly quivering voice

Sasuke's heart twitched in pain as he heard Naruko cheering for his and Sakura's relationship...

"Thanks..." He forced out

Awkward..........Naruko sensing this she thinked of a way to break it.

"So.......what did you like in her?" She asked hoping that it would work.

'What do I like in her?' Sasuke thought

"Well...she's cute..'I guess...' And kind...'maybe…' Also innocent...' I think so...' Uhh.... Yeah ...that's what I like about her....’I think....' "

"Hmmmm...." 'From what I've heard and seen she's nothing like that...oh'll work somehow...Oh well....good luck to you Sasuke-teme...' Naruko giggled mentally

"Hey dobe!" Sasuke called. Naruko looked at him and asked 'what?' With her eyes

"Let's go out...somewhere..." Sasuke said standing up from his bed. Naruko's eyes twinkled in excitement

"ICHIRAKU RAMEN!!" Naruko exclaimed and Sasuke rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath “As expected.”


"You're treating!!"

"No way dobe!!!"

"C'mon please teme!!"


"Please teme...with lots of sugar and cream..." *insert puppy dog eyes*


"Please!! With a cherry on top..." *puppy dog eyes full blast*

Sasuke tried TRIED looking away...keyword tried...but he couldn't.. He couldn't resist the Moe(-ness) Naruko was giving off..

He sighed

"Okay! Okay! Damn..."

"Yay! Thanks teme!!"

Fast Forward no Jutsu!!!!

Few days had passed ever since Sasuke told Naruko about his girlfriend.

Today Naruko again went Sasuke's house because Jiraiya went to research again for his so-called materials.

"Hey teme! Where's the cereal bars?" Naruko asked, rummaging the snacks cabinet

"Huh? It should be there!" Sasuke answered back in the movie room

"Maybe you ran out!" Naruko said

"Impossible. I bought 2 packs of it yesterday"

"Where'd you put it?"

"In the snack cabinet as always!"




Sasuke grumbled but went to the kitchen. When he arrived he saw Naruko in front of an empty snack cabinet.....wait.....empty? EMPTY!?

Sasuke ran to the cabinet and searched for his cereal bars.

Nothing.....nothing......the cereal gone......

"WHERE'S MY F*****G CEREAL BARS!!!????" Sasuke screamed in frustration. Both Naruko and Sasuke mourned for the lost of their precious snack until a horrid thought struck them leaving them frozen…

'there can only be one cereal bar thief...' both of them thought




"ITACHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They shouted in unison

Itachi has always hated Cereal bars with a passion to the point of breaking, cutting, burning, crushing and etc. when he sees one but lady fate hates him as his mom, dad and little brother unfortunately likes cereal bars..

Naruko and Sasuke bolted upstairs faster than lightning to Itachi's room. They stopped at the doorway as they heard Itachi saying "Die you Pieces of Monster Sh*t!" in a creepy voice and was followed by a sound of something being crushed.

"HAHAHAHAH!!!!DIE! DIE! DIE!!!" Sasuke and Naruko's eyes widened in horror

'MY CEREAL BARS!!!!' they screamed in their mind as they bolted inside, slamming the door open in the process. There they saw their poor innocent cereal bars getting murdered by the evil demon king.

"NOO!!!!!My Cereal Bars!!!!!" Naruko screamed dropping on the ground. Now on her knees, her eyes watered seeing her beloved cereal bars crushed by the merciless demon king Itachi.

"My dear cereal bars.....My poor little dear cereal bars....I wasn't even able to taste you...My baby....." Naruko said dramatically while crying.

Sasuke saw red at the sight of his cereal bars getting murdered

"How could you!? How could you murder my cereal bars!!!You! My own brother!!!!" Sasuke screamed in anger at his brother. Itachi's brows furrowed.

"How could I? IT’S YOUR FAULT! I HAD TO SAVE YOU FROM THOSE-! THOSE-! THOSE MONSTROSITIES!" Itachi defended while pointing at the murdered cereal bars.

" yummy, crunchy, crispy, delicious snacks..." Naruko grieved tears streaming down her face...slowly she looked up at Itachi with rage clear on her eyes..


"You've got it wro-"Itachi got cut off when they heard a loud beeping sound

And "poof!" like the drama never happened Naruko stood up

"Oh? Popcorns ready!!! C'mon guys!" she simply stated and went out of the room, sasuke followed and also Itachi leaving the cereal bars to mourn for themselves...


And done!!!Whaddya think???

Shizuka: chapter 3......finally done TT^TT so happy....

aki:cereal bars ~.~ hope you'll meet the expresso spirit up there

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