Part 2

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Sunlight peaked over the horizon, slowly creeping across the grassy lawn. Brightness grew behind your eyelids, the light filtering though the gauzy curtains at your bedroom window. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you stretched while throwing off the covers that offered to reclaim you. With a knock and a turn of the knob, you entered Caleb's room to see him already awake and sketching in his notebook, bringing a smile to your face. He always was an early riser, but content to stay in his room until you awoke.

Soon you had breakfast on the table and were calling Caleb's name while simultaneously packing your son's lunch. He breezed into the kitchen with his backpack half unzipped, threatening to spill its contents.

"Morning, sweetie. Got all your homework?" you asked, brushing an unruly lock of blond hair off his forehead.

"Yes, mom, but we have a field trip today to the museum!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"That's right! I have your permission slip..." you searched through a stack of papers on your desk just off the kitchen and plucked the correct form out. Closing his lunchbox, you added it and the permission slip to his backpack before zipping it closed.

"Make sure you ask the teacher so you can sit near the front of the bus, okay? Don't want you getting motion sickness." The museum was about an hour away, meaning a long bus ride for the students.

A heavy sigh escaped his small body, "I know, mom."

Breakfast eaten, hair and teeth brushed, and backpack in hand, you hustled your son out the door and into the car to meet the bus. Most mornings, you would walk with him to the bus stop half a mile down the road, but you drove when running late. After dropping your son off, you turned down the lane back toward the house and saw a male figure outside the stables. James. He was early.

Parking the car, you headed his way. As you neared, you observed him measure and mark a long 2"x4" piece of wood you assumed to fix the one he broke yesterday. He had apparently found the shed and pulled out the saw horses, wood, and tools all on his own. Ambitious.

"Good morning, James," you called out, getting his attention.

He turned your way, peaking out from underneath his baseball cap. "Morning, ma'am."

"I told you, it's Y/N, none of this 'ma'am' stuff."

He flushed slightly, "Sorry. Y/N."

You gave a smile. "Glad you found the shed. How long have you been here? You don't have to be in until 8."

"I know," he looked down, adjusting the gloves on his hands, "but I was already awake. Figured I'd get an early start. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," you shrugged. "Um...I'm gonna go get ready for the day and I can show you around a little more. Sound good?"

"Sure," he answered, close-lipped smile on his face.

Turning your back to him, you headed for the house, then looking down at what you were currently wearing: yoga pants, a ratty t-shirt, and a zip-up hooded sweatshirt with your hair pulled back. Basically what you wore to bed the night before. Such a great example of professionalism, you laughed at yourself.

Once inside, you heard noise in the kitchen.

"Morning, mom," you greeted her upon entering.

"Morning, dear," you mother shuffled over and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Caleb off to school?"

"Field trip, actually. He's excited about the museum," you replied.

She clicked her tongue in affection, "Such a sweet boy. I'll thank the Lord every day that he doesn't seem to have an ounce of Kevin's cruelty in him. "

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