Part 9

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Characters: reader, James (Bucky), Margaret (oc), Caleb (oc).

Summary: As a single mom with a jerk of an ex-husband, you're doing your best to run the family business all on your own when your mother hires a mysterious man with a troubled past to help out. He just might be what you need in your life, but will his secrets bring you together or tear you apart? (Events occur shortly after Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

Warnings: All the fluff and stuff!!! Tiny bit of a mention of death and war.

Word Count: 4.5K

Y/N: It's here, it's here!!!! Thank you all for being so patient. I'm so SO excited to share the next chapters of this story. I've missed you guys! Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter! Any feedback is appreciated. I love you all!! <3



That one word was the best way to describe an entire Sunday spent in the arms of the man of your dreams. James seemed to open up even more and felt comfortable being himself around you as the hours passed. Time soon ceased to exist as one lovemaking session rolled into another and spoken words of adoration were whispered from between caresses.

The only moment you spent apart was when a pair of aching, hungry stomachs demanded food. James had a barely functioning fridge, but the rest of the kitchen appliances were faulty or non-existent so he tended to eat a lot of canned foods and any fresh foods were quickly consumed to avoid spoilage. That was a problem for another day, so you reluctantly left James' embrace and drove into town to pick up a few meals from the local diner. Nosy questions were asked, but you kept your answers vague and hurried back to your cozy little love shack.

Returning with bags in hand, James quickly relieved you of them, along with your clothes. The food went cold, but neither of you minded as you later ate in bed, still tangled in each other.

During moments of rest, James shared memories that he had discovered, even showing you one of his notebooks filled with partial thoughts that rarely connected to one another. You felt his frustration as he would occasionally begin one story but then find himself unable to finish it, the memory fractured and lost to him. Offering any comfort you could give along with patience, you tried to impress upon him the importance of taking his time and not pushing himself too hard.

Discovering this intimacy between yourself and James, both physically and emotionally, brought you closer together as a couple with every passing moment. The entire day together had been a gift and you couldn't be more thankful. As the sun sank lower in the sky, your heart ached at the thought of saying goodbye, even if only temporarily.

Holding each other close on the porch, James gave you one last lingering kiss and finally released you. Descending the steps, you kept your eyes on him, itching to run back and forget all your responsibilities. You reluctantly climbed into the truck and made a three-point turn in the overgrown driveway before heading out to the main road as James grew smaller in your rearview mirror.

Shedding a few tears on the drive home, you found your behavior ridiculous. This was only the beginning and there would be plenty more time to spend with James. As the sun set, you pulled in front of the stables and parked the truck to see your mother and Caleb sitting on the porch as you approached.

"Mom!" the boy exclaimed as he ran to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

Laughing, you returned the hug and ruffled his hair. "How's my handsome boy? Did you have a good Sunday with grandma?"

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